Tom gave the boy a slight smile before continuing, "Your present is all wrapped and ready. Narcissa made it a rule that all presents should be given after breakfast." 

Harry snorted after placing several eggs and bacons on Rosaline's plates, before putting in his own. 

"Guess I'll wait till noon, considering that Sirius wake up the latest." 

Tom smirked before retreating back to his Daily Prophet, pleased that nothing important was being reported, disgusted that the paper reported a huge article about the birthday party that Evelyn Potter was going to have. 


Fortunately, by the time everyone had woken up, it was only 9.00. Draco had arrived first, followed by Severus, Lucius, and Narcissa. Sirius and Remus didn't appear until half an hour later, Sirius' hair a complete mess. It was rather obvious that Remus pulled his fiancé out of the bed. Quite literally. 

"So Harry, I have planned a party for you at 3. Just a simple and quiet one." Narcissa told him. 

Harry grinned back at Narcissa. A simple and quiet party was exactly what he wanted. 


"Holy Shit." 

Harry's eyes widened at the party. When Narcissa meant simple and quiet, she obviously meant 'invite all of the pureblood supporters of the dark lord', which includes around 100 guests. 

Harry stifled a groan as he banged his head against the closest wall. Lucky, the doors were still closed and all the guests were on the other side of it, in the gardens where the party was happening. Draco laughed at Harry's demise and dilemma. Harry turned to glare at Narcissa and Sirius, the two masterminds behind the party, only to be replied with two grins. 

"Don't worry, your friends will be here." Sirius comforted Harry.

"Along with some old purebloods." Harry groaned again before grumbling words out underneath his breath. Anyone with more than one brain cell could see that Harry was upset and annoyed. 

Before Sirius could reply, the doors were swung open and they exited the house. Immediately the adults went to mingle with other adults, Rosaline following Sirius and Remus. Harry and Draco made their own way to a corner at the garden. Along the way, Harry had been wished Happy birthday more than 50 times, considering that there was more than 100 guests, he would have to go through that again. 

A bright side to this party was that Harry got to meet his friends earlier before the 1st of September. And indeed, Theo, Pansy, Blaise, Daphne, and Alec from Australia were there waiting for Draco and Harry. 

"Alec! You made it!" Harry greeted, giving his friend a quick hug. 

"Of course I did. Imagine my surprise when an owl appeared out of nowhere giving me the invitation." Alec replied, before turning to Draco and analyzing the blonde guy.

"Alec," Draco started but was interrupted by Alec pulling him into a hug. Draco's eyes were wide and the girls had to stifle their laughter at the obvious affection Alec was showing Draco. 

Harry grinned before turning to the rest of his Slytherin friends.

"Happy birthday Harry!" they chorused together. 

Harry glared at them half-heartedly as he grabbed a glass of butterbeer from a nearby table. (Alcohol was provided but only for the adults). 

"Thank you." Harry promptly thanked them, returning his gaze towards Alec and Draco who hadn't pulled apart. 

Daphne cleared her throat, causing the two boys to jump away from each other in surprise. 

"Anyways, Pansy and I are going to go find some food. See you later." Theo told the group, before grabbing the said girl's hand and walking away

"I'm going to bring Alec to meet mother and father." Draco said before rushing off with Alec in tow.

Harry raised an eyebrow at Blaise, who quickly muttered an excuse. "I'm going to find Luna."

Harry turned towards Daphne who was looking as exasperated as he was.  Daphne blushed as she caught Harry's emerald orbs staring at her.

"You look very lovely today Daphne." Harry praised. Daphne was indeed beautiful. She was wearing a baby pink floral summer dress which fits with her blonde hair. Her dainty yellow slippers were definitely standing out in the green grass. 

"Y-you look handsome as well Harry." Daphne stammered. Harry didn't notice the girl's slipup and instead handed a glass of butterbeer to her.

"Cheers." Harry grinned as the glass clinked together. 

Daphne sighed softly at the Greek god in front of her. His black hair seemed to shone in contrast to his skin, which made it look very pale. Daphne looked around the garden, and saw that there was an empty bench. Daphne grabbed Harry's hand, and ignoring his protests, she dragged him to the bench, before sitting down on it. Harry smirked and sat right next to her. 

The two definitely enjoyed one another's company.


Harry placed his new gifts in his room. One of his favorite gifts was an expensive and exquisite black phoenix quill from Blaise ("I saw it from one of the stores in Italy."), a set of expensive potion ingredients from Daphne, and a golden watch from his two fathers, etc. 

Harry climbed into his bed with a smile on his face. 

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