10: Better Be Absent Than Tardy

Start from the beginning

You can tell me when it’s over

If the high was worth the pain

Got a long list of ex lovers

They’ll tell you I’m in-

She hushed something I didn’t get to hear but answered anyways, “Hello? Yeah we’re on our way, why? I know about that. Where? After class? Alright alright, I’ll ask them” without any goodbyes Ems disconnected the call and turned to face me, slapping Liam’s arm, “Aww watch it lady”

You don’t mess with someone who is asleep and those who just woke up Ems. I hated it when Liam and Ems do their special waking up technique which required some water guns and sometimes as unbelievable as it seems, ice cubes.

“Wake up, Redfield’s in the distance” she sneered.

“Who called? Mom?” I asked my sister not shifting my eyes from the street. We would not want any collision now, won’t we?

“It was Jake” she shrugged and continued eyeing my cousin and I, “Want to hang out after class?”

Liam jeered beating me, “Where did he said we’ll go? The carnival?” Right. The annual carnival is here in town for the week. We didn’t have the chance to enjoy the rides last year, having mom been confined in the hospital for food poisoning.

“Who will be going?” I interjected sending a glimpse then back to the roadway.

“My team will be going together, can’t tag with you guys” Liam excused.

“But Jake is in your team” Emery enlightened.

I chuckled at the slowness of my cousin; he’s not like that rather he’s the smart mouth funny jock - the dull morning makes him like this.

The boy rested his both arms on the either side of our seat, “Jake would be with Zach and the girls not the team, what I meant with ‘team’ is the freshmen people, I guess”

I shrugged, “You say so, so Ems who are the guys?” Please not Shelby.

“I don’t really know, Jake just said to invite my friends”

“Shelby is off limits Ems, you know that” I reminded. Catfight in the kid’s carnival isn’t a nice encounter.

“Don’t worry, I’m going and I’ll try to ask Julia” With that an idea popped to head.

I stopped for a red light meeting her set of dark orbs, “Wait do you mean I can ask a friend to join us?”

Emery looked puzzled but nodded, “Guess so, just to be a fun night he said”

“Good” I smiled with the thought of a person to invite.

- - -

Mrs. Devine is suspiciously late for her 9am period, she is never late nor absent, I wonder why. I sauntered the middle aisle, scanning the students who are busy for calculus homework given last meeting til I reach my respective seat, “Hi Grace”

My jovial bestie crammed her calculus assignment herself. To tell you, any math activities need to be prepared the day before. You can’t finish a ton of problems in an hour, superman.

“Where were you in first class?” She questioned, still absorbed on her paper.

The room was filled with stories and blabbers about the supposed opening of Frozenland - the frozen-themed carnival just a couple of blocks downtown - while doing their task at hand.

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