9: We're Unbreakable

Start from the beginning

"No, they just did it too far, I don't like to hear those issues anymore but they shove it in front of my face everytime. Don't they have a life? That all they did was to mind others' business?" I snapped not being able to stop myself from rambling any longer.

Grace haven't stopped by my place this weekend, I didn't want her to, with that state of mine only my family are allowed to see me; my rules.

Grace thinned her lips and nodded, "Come on, let's get you out there. Show them you're stronger than they think you are."

I started to march out with a faint nod but Grace grabbed my arm, "Wait, Lexi, you're eyes are swollen from crying." It was. She rummaged something from her bag and smiled at me.

Oh yeah right. I need some makeover. "Mascara and concealer, Does the trick all the time." She winked at me and we both chuckled.

Who would expect that Grace will be on my side until the end of time? She is that girl who doesn't want other peoples' drama to affect her in any way but here she is, doing everything she's got to lift my mood up. I owe a lot to her and I promise to bring it back to her one of these days.

She took the cap of the concealer and covered the black circles underneath my hazel eyes and applied a light amount of mascara.

"There" she studied me and shook her head making her soft curls sway. "I forgot the gloss" she search her bag again and grinned, "Here" she handed me her Em pillow plush cushiony lip balm.

I soothed a thin layer and gave it back to my bestie, finally, I looked better and more presentable.

"Thank you Grace!" I gave her a brief hug. She is my hero, should've let guilt fill Ems and Liam when I get home.

"What are best friends for Lexi." She smiled and gestured me to go out with her.

We walked down the hallway which was now empty, I checked my new olive green lacoste watch from Shane for the time and my eyes budged out from their socket, well not literally, it was 8:40. Classes already started in fact, it was half done.

"Omygod! You didn't tell me it's so late, what will we tell Mr. Capraro?" I asked Grace who just passed me a weird glance.

I paced a little faster and Grace informed me, "Calm your horses, Mr. Capraro is out today."

I slowed down a bit, "That's great then" not knowing the sudden absence of my Spanish teacher.

"Grace?" I muttered. "Yeah?" Grace answered not looking at me.

"How'd you know where to find me?"

She stopped and faced my direction. Grace put her both hands on the other side of my shoulders, "Look, Emery told me you're a waste. I searched for you and tada..., now stop being the drama queen you're not. Do you understand me?"

"Oh okay." I nodded. "Did Ems talk to you about the whole situation?" Grace resumed on walking to class again.

"Of course, we live in the same roof Grace"

"Where is she then?"

"As usual" Emery is the earliest person in class. I bet.

"Why is she so punctual?! What could've happen if I was late or something?"

"I won't blame Ems, you know that."

She raised her hand in surrender, "Okay, I was just saying." My sister has her reasons, she was there this weekend and she knows that I needed space with my friend here.

- - - - -

The cafeteria was swarmed with students chattering; I heard some concerning me but chose to ignore it.

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