7: Time-Chaser

Começar do início

"I know, I'm waiting for you in the parking lot. Run Lexi, run." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Where are we going? I still got classes after lunch Shane."

I heard him take a deep breath, "Lexi, just... go here, now."

"but-" and that's it, he disconnected the call.

I wouldn't know what Shane is up to so I got no choice but leave for the parking lot in front of the school building.

I saw Shane leaning on a red 2014 Chevrolet SS and stopped dead on my tracks. "You have a car?!" My shout was echoing throughout the whole lot, thankfully there are no bystanders around that would send me curious looks.

Shane looked dazed but chuckled, "Shh, no shouting Lexi!" he placed his pointer finger on his lips.

I hopped towards the car and feel it, "When did you get this? You told me last Sunday you don't have a ride that's why you borrowed mine right?"

"It's my mom's Lexi, hop on" he gestured as he opened the passenger door.

What a gentleman, "Oh right." I mumbled sitting on the leather seat.

"So, where are you taking me? I got an hour till Physics class starts" I said as he slid on the driver side.

"It's a surprise, now, put on the seatbelt, I don't want to get caught." He pointed on the seatbelt beside me and revved the engine.

I slip the belt on and asked again, "I'm expecting you'll take me somewhere we can eat right? Where?"

Shane shook his head, "You're still that nagging friend I thought you were. I'm not gonna tell you, so stop asking." He clicked the radio on and The Vamps' Can We Dance boomed the speakers.

I never knew that my Friend likes The Vamps! Omg! My eyes widened in shock "You're a Vampettes?!"

"No! I don't like boybands, but I like this song." I sang out loud not even bothering to hear Shane's response.

"Hey, you've picked me up yesterday and today. I wonder why you have so much free time Dude! I love this! I just can't think of how they could be so cool!" I fangirled and continued following the lively song. "I know I don't know you, but I'd like to skip the small talk and romance....."

Shane fake-sneered, "Cut that out. I don't like squealing girls. I'm here for a short vacation remember. I'm free to do what I want."

I followed his small act, crossed my arms and scoffed, "I was always the high-pitchy-girl you know Shane..."

"Well, that's what I love about you, you're this little sister I was dying to have" he said pulling over. I smiled at him and cooed.

He slapped my forehead and laughed, "Let's go!"

"Ouch!" I was about to smack his arm but he stepped out the car pretty fast. Urgh.

Well, Shane was an only child when his parents were separated; he was at the young age of 8. His father was in the Philippines while his mom, Victoria, lived here in California. He came here to visit his mom by the way.

I got out of the car and semi-jog to Shane's side, "Hey, wait up" He slowed down a bit and patted my head as I was in arm's length.

The place was a casual Filipino restaurant nothing too luxurious and nothing too cheap. We went in, and settled on one of the bench chairs and tables left-side of the bistro.

"What do you like to eat?" Shane asked as the waitress gave us our menus. "I don't really know what food these are, Shane." I giggled as I skim the list of options: Laing with Tinapa, Sinigang na Boneless Bangus Fillet with Ripe Guava, Pastel de Lengua, Klassk Kare-Kare- Uh-Oh!

Lexi (Discontinued) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora