He kind of liked Logan.

A lot.

Maybe too much.

He was the only side that Remus could give something the others thought disgusting, weird or creepy, and care about it. Talk about it. He'd even invited Remus to join in some chemistry once, (it did not go well; that did not happen again) and dissected all the dead animals he found. They talked about things the other sides wouldn't dream of thinking about. And Remus loved science, especially about living things, because there were new, weird things always being discovered. The deep sea is full of wonders like squids and octopi, huge whales, tiny things, so many different species.

Just cut a little more. Then you can see Logan. He'll help.

Will he?

"Logie! Teach me how to feel like a human again!"

He bounced his steps into the hall, Logan seemingly off to do work.

"You're not a human, Remus."

"I felt like one before, though."

"Why not ask Patton for assistance? He's much more well-versed in emotions than I am."

"You're the only one that likes me."

"I doubt that's true. Sure, the other sides may dislike your rather random thoughts, but why would that give them reason to dislike you? You're a wonderful side."

"That's probably not true. No offense to you. I was hoping to find someone to stop me, but you don't have to. I might cut off my arms and bite out my tongue. Ooh! Or blow up my legs! How long would it take for all of that to kill me?" He smiled a twisted, tortured smile, digging his long fingernails deep into his palms.

"Remus, are you alright? Would you like to sit down? I can get you anything you need, you seem like you could use it. Anything, I can help."

"Logan, I haven't been okay for months. Years? Probably my entire life."

"Please, come sit down."

Logan led him, hand on his back, to his room, walls blue and books stacked neatly in rows. He pushed aside his laptop from his bed to sit Remus down.

"Ooh, does the nerd wanna fuck?"

"Remus, I need you to be at least semi-serious right now. Did anything specific happen to make you feel like this? Are there any other notable emotions I should be aware of? And what can I do to help?"

"I've been depressed for," he counted on his fingers, "I don't know how long, but a while!" He said this far too cheerily.

"Okay, that does not sound good. Why did you tell me now?"

"I decided I either give in and destroy myself and wait to die or tell someone. I figured I can do it anyway after I've told someone, so I might as well. Ooh, should I write a note?" He grinned at Logan, beginning to scratch at his hands and arms.

"Remus," he took the creative side's hands in his own to prevent further scratching, "don't write a note, don't kill yourself. It is illogical to take away a part of Thomas's personality, no matter how inessential you may think you are."

"I don't want to, but I have to. Everyone will stop being miserable because of me, I'll stop being miserable because of me, I'm sure as hell not gonna be missed-"

Logan pulled their hands up to his face, making the impulsive decision and kissing the dark side's knuckles lightly.

"I'd miss you."

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