The sound of clacking penetrated Logan's ears as the receptionist searched something up. The typing stopped and Logan saw him frown before addressing Logan again. "How did you say you knew her again?"

"Um, she's in my computing class. I don't know her very well, but my friend does, and he wanted to visit her today but he has drama club. He gave me this script to hand to her." He reached into his bag and pulled out around seven pages of writing that were stapled together.

Logan knew it was probably just confirmation, but he couldn't help suspicion from worming into his mind. He was very aware that the teachers involved with the incident (as Virgil had dubbed it) were wary of him. Particularly Ms Evergreen. But they couldn't stop him from visiting her, right?

The receptionist smiled up at him before saying, "She's in room 23 -- second floor." Logan nodded his thanks before taking back the script and making his way to the hallway.

Just to his right was the elevator, which he took up to the second floor before making his way to Jaz's room. It was painted white and had had a golden 23 screwed onto it. It reminded Logan more of a hotel than a hospital, which he thought was strange seeing as the students knew the reason they were in here anyway.

Logan's reflection stared back at him from the number as he hesitated. Sure he'd come this far, and he had a backup reason, but was it really worth asking her? Logan had hardly even made eye contact with her, surely going to her room for a conversation would be awkward? He groaned. He'd never been good with social cues.

Logan raised his fist and knocked.

"Come in!"

The thought of leaving flitted through his mind, but Logan opened the door. He'd come this far, hadn't he? He swung the door open with one hand on his bag strap and peaked in. Lying on the bed with headphones slung around her shoulders was a girl with frizzy brown hair. She looked at Logan, slightly confused.

"Ah, don't take this wrong, but who are you?"
"Excuse me a second."

Logan stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He saw Jaz's hands inch closer to her phone, a reasonable action. A boy she didn't know coming into her room and closing the door, it would scare most females.

"I apologize for intruding," he said, standing beside her door awkwardly. "I'm Roman's friend?"

The wary look on her face vanished, replaced with a welcoming smile.

"So that's where I know you from! You're that nerd who hangs around Ro!" Her eyes went wide and she froze. "W-Wait I didn't mean-"
"I take no offense to it." he said, walking forward.

"Roman wanted to come visit but he said something came up in drama. He also gave me this and said I should give this to you." he handed her the script. "From what I've heard your understudy is doing fine."
"Good for her." she said glumly, taking the script and flicking through it. Logan's nose crinkled.

"Do you know if you'll be out of here in time to perform?" Jaz let out a humorless laugh.
"I hope so. These idiots have me on suicide watch."
"Huh?" She lifted an eyebrow.

"They didn't tell you why I was in here?" Logan shook his head and Jaz sighed. "Small mercies." she muttered.
"Long story short, I overdosed. Not on purpose though." Logan's eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't think I understand. How can one accidentally overdose?" She shifted uncomfortably. "You don't have to answer-"
"No it's okay."

"I dunno, man. I was having a kinda rough day. My meds had been switched recently, no idea why, and I felt like the dose I was having wasn't enough." she looked down to her lap and fiddled with her phone. "I might've spaced out a bit, and I figured one more pill couldn't hurt. And then I had another... I didn't even realise until my roommate pointed it out to me. I know it's dumb, but you know how your memory just seems to... drift."

Logan hummed, sitting down. "That's unfortunate." She snorted, before smiling.
"You could say that. They're still watching me though. I mean -- I get why, but it doesn't make it any less infuriating."

"What's the extent of the watch? I didn't see anyone when I was walking in?"
"Cameras." she nodded to the door. Logan startled.
"Wait, really?" He looked over to the door and sure enough on top of it a small hemisphere was mounted. He looked back over at her.

"Surely that's not legal." she shrugged.
"I mean, it's the only one in the room. I suppose it's for convenience, it's not like they can staff a member to each room. There isn't one in the bathroom, but everything in there is dulled in some way or another, and there are two daily check-ins."
"That must be stifling."
"It really is," she groaned, her head thudding back against the wall. "But there's no audio surveillance, so there's that. Once they decide I'm good I'll be out, don't know when that'll be." She leaned back. "None of this would've fucking happened if they didn't switch my goddamn meds."

Logan's heart rate picked up minisculely. He crafted his next sentence carefully.

"Surely they would've had a reason?"

Jasmine snorted. "I can't see one. I was doing perfectly fine, and then all of a sudden they just switched me! I've tried to make sense of it, but I can't."
"When did they switch it?"
"About three weeks ago, why?"

Logan's mind went slightly fuzzy and satisfaction flooded through his veins. He was right. He wasn't overreacting, he wasn't stupid, he wasn't caring about something meaningless, he was right.

"Yo, are you okay?"
"Perfectly fine, thank you. Anyway, which character are you playing?"

The conversation drifted away from the subject with Logan's logical brain steering him. He was honestly shocked by the sheer amount of energy he got from a proven theory. It was probably something about how all his feelings got dismissed, but being self aware was tiring, and he just wanted to bask in the glory of finally getting a point over somebody else's head.

"Logan? How come you're still here?"

Logan looked over at the door to find Roman looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. Logan raised an eyebrow.

"Roman?" he looked the theater geek up and down. "What are you doing here?"
"Club finished up, so..." he glanced over at Jaz. "I came in to see if you were okay."

"Aw, Ro that's so sweet!" she laughed. "Don't worry, your friend here has been keeping me company." Roman raised an eyebrow.
"Logan? Really? You must be delusional."

Logan merely chuckled.

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