Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2

Start from the beginning

"You miss the sex? Weasley's are good in bed." Jamie laughed.

"JAMIE you cant ask that." Hermione said shocked at Jamie's question, "Wait how do you know they are good in bed?"

"Well I date one, My best Friend is dating one and me and Harry do talk. So yer so do you miss it." Jamie nudged Hermione in a playful way.

"Well yes he's a Weasley." Jamie and Hermione laughed together. While they laughed Fred and Ron both walked into the room.

"Morning sexy." Jamie shouted to Fred.

"Morning J, Morning Mione." Fred took a seat next to Jamie.

"Hi guys." Ron waved and sat on the chair.

"Morning." Hermione said to Ron he smiled back at her.

"What you two gossiping about?" Fred asked. 

"None of your business nosy." Hermione said to Fred.

"J , do I have to repeat last night."

"I'm not telling you and no not again." Jamie said to Fred.

"Wait what happened last night?" Ron asked, him and Hermione looked like they wanted to know what happened. 

"Me and Rhi were talking we wouldn't tell the twins what about so they tickled us till we told them." Jamie told the others.

"What were you talking about?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing." Jamie said.

"Wasn't nothing." Fred said, "They were comparing mine and Georges dick size." The four burst into laughter.

"Blood hell, I didn't need to know that." Ron said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Do all the conversation you have , have to end with the topic of sex Jamie. This morning she was telling me how good the Weasley's shag." Hermione laughed. 

"What I know how all of the Weasley shag. I date one, my best friend dates one. I talked to Harry and he told me about Ginny and Hermione well er you know." Jamie said to the group.

"Wow, Hermione talks to you about me." Ron said to Jamie smiling at Hermione.

"Don't get to big for your boots Ron." Jamie told Ron. 

Fred pulled Jamie in for a kiss and she kissed him back. " You really do always have sex on your mind." Fred smiled while he stared into Jamie's eyes.

"Yup." Jamie smiled.


Everyone was now awake and dressed for the day. Ginny, Harry , George and Rhiannon decided they would go sight seeing. Leaving Jamie, Fred , Ron and Hermione at the villa. 

Jamie decide she wanted to sun bathe so she stripped down to her bikini and sat on the sun lounger soaking in the rays. The weather was amazing it was hot but not to hot that you felt sticky and sweaty.

Hermione was in the pool and the boys were gossiping inside somewhere.

"Wanna get in the pool?" Hermione asked Jamie.

"If you want. I do need to cool down." Jamie said back getting up from the lounge chair and jumping in the pool. 

Hermione screeched from Jamie jumping in and it made the boys come outside.

"Everything alright." Ron asked concerned.

"Yer, Jamie jumped in and I got scared." Hermione told Ron.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now