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BY: lukehemmigs36

BY: lukehemmigs36

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"Good morning everyone!" You greeted your classmates cheerfully as you and Hairo stood in front of the class on a fine bright morning. "Today we have an important task on hand, and that is...."

"Deciding a theme for our class," Hairo completed for you, and you just gave him your usual lazy grins, thankful that he had done the rest of the work. Unbeknownst to you, a certain grape haired boy was getting all green with envy.

"As all of you know that PK festival is just a month away, we'll be using this time to brainstorm to come up with possible ideas," you continued.

"Let's just do a yakisoba stall," someone suggested and you quickly wrote it down on the board, and that continued for a while. When Hairo suggested students work schedule for the students to finish the work, murmurs of protest instantly erupted. Some of the students said that they have their club activities and won't be able to help in the class exhibit if the class decided to do something big.

After a student suggested to display a exhibit on 'strange rocks,' Hairo got all fired up and passionate, which somehow got all the students to give up on their after schools plans and devote themselves for the PK festival. Maybe that's Hairo's superpower.

"I have a suggestion too," Hairo started.

"What is it Hairo-kun?" You asked as you got ready to write down his suggestion.

"How about each person makes paper cranes?" Hairo suggested, but his plan was quickly shut down.

"Takahashi-san, what do you suggest?" You asked the green haired boy, trying the divert the students attention.

"I don't know if it would be okay, but what about a maid cafe?" The green haired male suggested.

"Not a bad ide, but idea..." Hairo started.

"How about a cross-dressing maid cafe where the guys will be dressing up?" Yumehara quickly interrupted.

All the girls seemed to agree with Yumehara's decision while the guys were politely protesting, including Takashi - who suggested it in the first place.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Hairo asked again.

"Kokomi-chan, why don't you suggest something?" You asked you best friend, who also happens to be the perfect pretty girl.

"Well," she started, "how about we turn the room into a planetorium? We can even use those machines to set it up."

"Star gazing with friends...that's not a bad idea," you contemplated and almost all the boys started ageeeing with you and Teruhashi.

"It's not a bad idea, but it will be machines doing all the work, and that would be a complete defeat of the purpose," Hairo stated, and all the students disagreed with this, taking your and Tersuhashi's side.

'Well that was totally not unexpected!'

"Hey Kuboyasu-kun, what do you suggest?" You suddenly called out to the grape haired boy, who you are also dating now. You saw his face getting a little flushed when you called him, which also caused you to blush a little because both of you remembered the kiss that you two shared in your apartment.

"How about a haunted house, we can even dress up as zombies," he suggested, fully imagining the scenario where you to walking through the haunted house, where you will get scare from a jump scared and hop straight into his arm and latch on to him for the rest of the day, just like all those romantic movies that girls usually watch.
'That would be so romantic. Dream come true!'

Unbeknownst to him, Saiki was hearing all of his thoughts, and let me tell you - he was not happy about it. It's not like he's against you're dating someone, it's just that he doesn't trust Kuboyasu Aren yet and he wants to keep you safe. So he's just gonna observe you two a little from afar so that the ex-delinquent doesn't try to do something that he's not supposed to.

After much discussion, class 3 decided to exhibit the meteor and strange rocks found in the scool yard. that Saiki pulled down from the outer space.

'Yare yare.'

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