2 new girls and a friend Pt. 2

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(A/N) Yayyyyy, I got it in the right place now!!! Enjoy!

- Mary - 


"What was that?" Alice asked, looking worried. They all turned around and saw that the roof's door had shut. 

"NO!" yelled the girl with the purple hair, "didn't you put the brick in front to stop it from closing?" Alice and Mary looked at each other nervously. They all ran to the door and tried to pull it open, it was stuck. 

Alice started panicking, "What if we the door never opens? What if we get stuck here forever? What will we eat? We don't have enough water, what if we die out of dehydration? What if no one knows that we're here? We're not supposed to be here! What if no on even notices us missing?!  What if-"

"Will you shut up? I'm trying to think!" the girl yelled.

"Hey, don't be rude! She can't help, but panic. Don't blame her,"

"Oh, you stop defending your friend. We need to get out of here. Lunch is about to end!"

"What do you care?" Alice said suddenly.

"We don't have time for this." 

"Oh we have all the time in the world really. We're stuck on a freaking rooftop with nothing to do."

"I'm not working with a criminal's daughter." Alice shouted. The bell suddenly rang for the end of lunch. Kids were making their way back to the school. The place where the group of kids were watching the fight was empty. The school grounds were almost empty now. Mary had an idea. She looked at the other two girls who were still bickering. She frowned. "Guys, guys! GUYS!" she yelled.

"What?" said both of them at the same time. 

"I have an idea on how we can get down. You have to hold onto me very tightly."

"Uh... why?" Alice asked,

Mary grinned, "you'll see." The two girls held onto Mary's arms.

"Awkward." said the girl.

"Mary, what're you- wait! Don't tell me- Mary please don't tell me we're going to jump!" Alice begged.

"Don't worry, I did this many times back at the scientists' labs." she reassured them.

"Where?" the girl asked. But Mary didn't answer her, she grabbed them both and jumped as high as she can. Alice closed her eyes and screamed while the girl just looked down with her eyes wide open with terror, too afraid to open her mouth. Mary's eyes glowed green and the nearby trees started moving! They moved in closer and created a thick bed of branches and leaves. They all thumped softly onto the mass of flora.

The trees lowered their branches and the girls down onto the ground and resumed their original position. Mary's eyes stopped glowing, but they were aqua blue with a blob of dark blue which moved around her pupils. Alice stopped screaming and was frozen. The girl opened and closed her mouth like a fish, trying to say something. Mary grinned widely, "That was cool, wasn't it?"

"H- how-?" the girl finally managed to splutter out.


Mary was about to reply when a teacher interrupted them, "Girls? What are you doing here? The bell rang a few minutes minutes ago. You better hurry to class." 

They ran back inside to the changing rooms to change for P.E. They were quiet as they put on their gym uniform. "So..." Alice said. But got no response from Mary or the girl. She cleared her throat, but still no response. A few moments later, she coughed. Then coughed again. Then sneezed. But that still didn't get a response from either of them.

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