Introduction to the antagonist

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(A/N) tbh, I think the main person in this story is the villain cuz I feel like I know him more.
And just a heads-up: THIS STORY IS NOT ABOUT PEDOPHILIA. Honestly, I realky don't want people thinking that. The closest the hero and villain are ever gonna get is if the villain adopts the hero. Idk if that's gonna happen cuz it's upto the characters to decide. Hey, I'm not in control of them, they're in control of me!

Wilson Anthony McDonald was evil.  That's why he wasn't surprised when he got the idea to be a professional villain. Wilson looked like an ordinary person. He had short black hair, a handsome looking face and brown eyes. Wilson longed to have a scar or something on his face which would show that he was a person not to be messed with. He tried to get a scar, but his powers didn't allow him.

Wilson had the abilities to not only control ice, but manipulate it. He could turn ice into water and vice versa. He could also sort of control the weather. He didn't find out about his powers until he was 18. This made Wilson grimace whenever he thought about this, if only he had known that he had powers. His life at the orphanage would've been much easier. His childhood, littered with pain and heartbreak, twisted him to become someone evil.

His mother died while giving birth, he was left to be taken care of by his father. His father was a nasty man. He stole, mugged and kidnapped people for ransom. He may have been happy, if not for his wife's untimely death. He blamed his son for his mother's death. The only reason why he didn't get rid of Wilson was because it was his wife's last wish to take care of the child. Because of this, Wilson had to solely rely on himself to get through trouble. This made him quite cunning. His brilliant mind allowed him to make exquisite and intricate plans which are hard to foil. The irony of this was that Wilson was an escape artist, a ghost, a villain who did his work from the shadows. His father on the other hand, was sloppy and was easy to catch.

At the age of 15, Wilson's father was arrested. His father was furious, drunk and out of his mind. He grabbed a police officer's gun and shot himself. Wilson saw everything. The world seemed to slow down as the bullet entered his father's brain, shattering his skull. And despite his father's abuse, insults and ignorance, he ran to his side. His stiff limbs moving as fast as they could. For the first time, Wilson's father looked at his son clearly and saw his wife's eyes. He held his son's hand while passing away. The first and last act of love from his father.

Everything passed in a blur after that, he couldn't remember the cops taking him away. All he could see was the blood seeping onto his hands, his father's glassy, blank eyes and immobile body.

His father used to come home drunk with his friends, and talk about everything which happened during the day and make plans for his next target. His father was a bad person, so logically, he should be one too, right? Wilson used his cunning and charm to create a small army. He planned on becoming the world's greatest and most powerful supervillain. He was desperate to be kept in his father's good books. He did everything he could to impress him. The habit hadn't died, it only grew stronger. So, instead of looking up at the superheroes like Batman or Ironman, he looked at the villains. The Joker, Loki, Lex Luthor, Thanos (what? He's a cool villain. He actually even succeeded into meeting his goal unlike the Avengers).

Wilson stood staring out the window at the vast cliffs. No longer a lonely child. He was thinking what to name himself (he was doing a lot of thinking about that actually). Minion 1 entered the study room. 

"What did I say about knocking?" he snapped.

"Oh, sorry, sir. I shall remember that next time."

"You better!" After a pause he asked, "What do you think my supervillain name should be?" 

"Um... er... Oh! What about Dark Ice?"

"Dark Ice... not bad."

"Oh thank you sir."

"Now, why are you here?"

"Um, the owner of the ca- I mean- lair wants you to pay this month's rent."

Fudge! He forgot about that! "I'll be right there."

Wilson and Minion 1 took the elevator and walked briskly to the front door. Wilson looked through the peephole and saw a bored-looking woman clutching a clipboard and chewing gum. He opened the door slightly. "Are you... Mr. Wilson?"

"Yes..." he said tentatively.

"Well, Mr. Wilson. You haven't payed rent for 3 months. Now, you could buy this dump for $10,000 and get it off my hands." 

Now Wilson fully opened the door, "Yes, I would like to buy this dum- castl- lair," 

"Right... well, it says here that you are an evil crime lord?" she stated, shifting her weight.

"Something like that." Wilson muttered, "Minion 1 stop trying to squeeze your way here!" Wilson whispered sharply.

"Have you committed a crime yet?"

"I may or may not have murdered people."

"Huh, then you'll haffta pay $20,000 for this place."

"Fu- fine. Minion 1 how much do we have in our budget right now?" He turned to the middle-aged man holding a clipboard.

"Um, s-sir? We need $15, 000 more." He stuttered.

"FIFTEEN THOUSAND?! Damn it." Wilson had to get a job. Possibilities ran through his mind. 

"Hey! Normally these places cost a million. I hate this dump, my father is used to own it and I hated my father. My flight is scheduled in 5 weeks. I want my payment before that. Ok?" The lady spat out.

"Bye!" Wilson slammed the door on the woman's face. "What an insufferable woman... Totally disrespectful... And they call ME evil..." he mumbled and grumbled all the way back to his workroom with Minion 1 trailing behind him like a little puppy.

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