"Infact when I showed you that you were trending you smiled. And not the smile that I wanted to see on your face while expecting all the while to show it to you. But it was a fake smile. You weren't happy about it. I am really sorry if my work was a reason for making you cry. I never in my nightmares would think about being the reason you are sad."

"I think you misinterpreted it Misoo. I never cried and I never faked smiled. I was genuinely happy about your work Misoo.", I tried to convince her without making eye contact with her.

"It's okay sir, I didn't even expect an honest answer from you to a stranger like me. You don't even share your miseries with your own members, why would you share it with me", she chuckled dryly.

My blood froze. What issues are she talking about? What does she know about me which no one else knows?

"I don't know where you are getting all these fake information from Misoo but whatever you are thinking I genuinely wrong. You misunderstood every thing. Now excuse me I need to go to my room.", I tried to escape from her because my mind couldn't believe someone has a little idea about my secrets.

But I couldn't leave since my hand was caught by her and when I looked at her face, I could see her crying. That confused me. Why was she crying and why her crying felt as a pang to my heart.

"Sir, you need to share your stories with someone else to live your life. If you are gonna keep all your secrets inside and never share it, the miseries are gonna swallow your soul, and leave just a shadow which would operate your life mechanically."

I sat down in a thump. I don't know how much she knows about me but whatever she was saying, I felt related to every single word.

"Who are you? What do you even know about me to tell me all this?", I asked in disbelief.

"I am just a fan of yours sir, as I said. And not those type of saesangs but an observant fan who tries to observe and analyse everything."

"Sometimes your observance could be wrong too Misoo, not everything revolves like you think it would happen."

"I know sir, I maybe incorrect in some point of my life but I was never this sure about something else than about you."

"What do you want to know Misoo? How much do you even know about me to predict everything?", I got a bit angry.

"I just know that you need to share your problems with someone sir, share it with your parents, or your sister, you could share it with your members too. They will help you cope up with it psychologically. Don't keep it inside you. It will eat you up."

"I don't want to share about my problems to any of the people you mentioned. I will never bother them with my problems. They have their own set of duties and problems and I will not add to them."

"Sir, do you know if the members hear you speak something like this, they are gonna get so much hurt. They would think that you are with them just because it's your duty. You might love them and that's why you don't want to burden them but they would think that you don't trust them enough to share your mind with them."

I remembered how just a few hours ago, yoongi hyung told me the same thing. He told me that he felt hurt about being a duty. This girl was something else.

"I want to share my problems too Misoo, but I don't think I can share it with them, whenever I see their happy faces I don't want their mood to get sad because of me, when I see their tired faces, I don't want to make them more tired listening to my hardships. I want to share it with someone but not them at this time."

"Then share it with me Sir."

I looked at her in shock.

"I am not gonna tell anyone anything if you choose to share it with me now. I will listen to everything you want to tell. Vomit out all those sad thoughts you have stored from all these years. I will sit all night and listen to you Sir."

The Stylist Noona ||Namjoon FF||✓Where stories live. Discover now