Exchnage Student

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George was entering his senior year of high school- and of course he was no longer in England, he was in the states. He didn't understand why his mum wanted him to move to America so bad- she couldn't wait one more year? Apparently not. Now George had to end his high school career in a brand new school in America and on top of that George couldn't drive! Stupid Americans and their reverse roads, his mum had to drive him to school- yay.

"George hun if you don't hurry up you'll be late!" George' Mum called out.

"I'm ready- I won't be late." George spoke

George grabbed his backpack and got into the car, he waited for his mom patiently- she came out soon after and locked the door. George didn't live too far away from his new school maybe like fifteen minutes, those fifteen minutes felt like fifteen seconds.

"Have a good day honey- i'll be here to pick you up after school."

"Thanks mum."

George got out of the car and started to make his way into the foreign territory. When he reaches the main entrance of the school he is met with crowded hall ways and lots of people. Was it too late to turn around and walk out?

"You look lost" A voice called out

George turned his head to see where the voice originated from-

"Y- yeah, i'm new here" George's voice shook a little.

Stood in front of him was guy about 6'3, he had dirty blonde hair and eyes George could only assume were green, because they were yellow for him.

"Here come on, i'll get you to where you need to go- let me take that." The male took George's backpack from his hands and threw it over his shoulder- "I'm Dream by the way!" Dream gave a fond smile.

"I'm George" George smiled back

"Nice to meet you George! Now come on follow me, i'll try to avoid the sea of people to the best of my ability" Dream gave another smile- could he tell that the people were kinda making George overwhelmed? Probably. George had no other option then to trust Dream so he followed blindly behind the tall guy until Dream slowed down to walk side by side with George.

"So George, do you know where you first class is?" Dream asked

"No- not exactly.." George spoke

"Hmmm- well then let's have some fun follow me-" Dream snaked his arm around George's into locking their elbows as he took him down a hall.

"Are school has a music program- you deserve to see it, maybe even become apart of it if you want." Dream was enthusiastic- George smile at the taller ones happiness.

"I don't know about all that-" George joked

"Just come on-" Dream reached the end of the hall and swung open the doors- he walked in happily. George was in awe- it was beautiful. From the stage to the instruments.

"Wow-" George gasped

"I know right" Dream nudged George's shoulder- "Might want to wipe the drool from your mouth there buddy" Dream teased. George rolled his eyes playfully.

George looked over to the stage of the auditorium to see two other guys sitting on it with instruments pulled out.

"Oh George come here-" Dream waved George over to follow him.

"George this is Sapnap and Bad- guys this is George" Dream introduced them

"Hi i'm Darryl but my friends call me Bad! If you need anything feel free to ask me, okay?"

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