"Come on Tate sweetie, you can sit in the living room while we wait for my son to come introduce himself. You can leave all your bags there for now."

"Okay." I left all of my bags there and followed her into another room.

The living room was huge and the kitchen was right next to it. It was an open concept so there wasn't a wall separating the two rooms. In the living room there were these sofas that look so comfortable. There was a large coffee table in the middle of the floor that held a vase of flowers and a couple of books. I saw a gas fireplace with a huge flat screen tv above it. There were paintings all over the walls but I didn't see any family pictures anywhere. I wondered why but it was something that I thought I should ask.

The kitchen was absolutely gorgeous. It had a theme of white and light blue with marble countertops. It was like my dream kitchen. I know that sounds weird but it's true. The beautiful stained glass window that was above the sink, the soft looking hand towels that hang from the oven handle, and even the pretty crystal dishes that I could see through the glass of the cabinets. It was all just so amazing.

"Have a seat Tate, make yourself at home, would you like something to drink?" she asked me. She seemed truly excited to have me there and that made me feel welcomed and my anxiety slowly began to slip away.

"Sure water is fine, Thanks." I said as I sat down on the comfortable plush sofa. I sank into it and I feel at home.

"You know, my son is leaving to go meet up with some friends later. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you joined." She said as she handed me the glass of water.

"Oh okay, but I'm actually meeting up with some friends in a few if that okay?"

"Yeah of course sweetie." she said and walked back into the kitchen.

I totally forgot that River said that he would give me a ride to the park. I didnt even think about me not being at my house. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text River when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hey mom, sorry I was just doing some straightening up a bit." that voice, that voice, i know that voice anywhere. It was a voice that I would never forget.

"Tate? What are you doing here? I mean, hi. I thought I was picking you up." she said walking towards me a little too slowly. Once he reached me head sat down on the sofa next to me.

"I, um--"

"Sorry, hold that thought." he said and threw a finger up that stopped my response. I can't believe that I am sitting in his house, on his sofa, next to him. "Mom, Sammy said that the girl that's supposed to be staying with us, is here. Is she in the bathroom or something?" Oh my gosh, he doesn't know that i'm the girl, he can't be that clueless can he. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. This was all too shocking for me.

Ms. Knight walked back into the room holding two more glasses of water. She handed one to River and she kept the other one.

"Silly, you're sitting right next to her." She said with a little laugh. River shot his head towards me. We made eye contact and I gave him a little awkward smile. I didn't say anything, i just wanted to see his reaction before i said anything.

"Seriously? Her? She's the one staying with us for a week?" he asked his mom. All she did was nod in response.

"Oh my gosh this is amazing." He stood up with a big smile on his face, taking me my surprise. "I can't believe it." He took my glass out of my hand and put it on the table. "You" I was really surprised when he picked me up and started spinning me around. Why was he so happy? That wasn't a question that stayed on my mind for long because all i could do at that moment was giggle. For some odd reason, I felt comfortable and safe in his arms.

"River put me down you dumbnut." I said still laughing

"Sorry" he set me down but didn't let go. I didn't want him to either. I wanted to stay here forever, in his arms.

"Um, am I missing something here? You two know each other?" His mom chimed in. He then let go of me and stepped back. He ran a hand through his hair and his face turned pink before he turned to his mom. He was so cute.

"Uh yeah mom, Tate goes to school with me, she became friends with the whole group and she is coming skating with us today."

"I thought I saw a skateboard under your arm when you walked in. Well that's great honey and it seems like you are comfortable with each other already so that's good." she said with a tiny smirk plastered on her lips.

"Yeah well we actually met the day that she moved here so we've known each other for a little." He looked over at me and I looked back at him, I bit my lip to hold back the smile. We both blushed and looked away from each other.

"Well that's great, what time are y'all leaving for the skatepark then." I looked at River and he checked his phone.

"Oh now actually, you ready Tate." he asked and I nodded.

"Alright great, let go." he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. I didn't even have time to protest, not that I wanted to.

"Wait Rivy, you can't take Tatey, she is supposed to play dolls with me." Sammy screamed as she ran down the stairs towards us with her arms crossed over her chest. I let go of Rivers' hand and crouched down in front of the pouting cutie.

"It's okay, I'll be back soon sweetie. Once i get back, i'm all yours and we can play as long as you like. Okay?"

"Okay fine." She uncrossed her arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. I hugged her back and then she let go and I stood back up. "Rivy, please don't break her, i need someone to play with." she said to her brother

"What are you talking about kiddo? I play with you all the time." she said with a soft smile

"I know and i really appreciate it but i'm getting older and i can't play with my big brother all the time. I need to play with girls too. Duh." This girl is so stinking cute. I can tell that we are going to get along just fine for the week seven days.

"She does have a point River." I said with a giggle

He rolled his eyes and rescinded to his little sister "Fine, as you wish princess, I shall bring her back in one piece."  He then shook his hand in her hair, messing it up a bit.

"Thank you, you may leave now." She demanded while trying to fix her hair.

"Bye Sammy."

I grabbed my board and skate bag, so did River but all she got was his board. I didn't see any other protective gear in his hands. Maybe it's in his car.

We walked out the front door and I couldn't help but notice that he was smiling the whole time. We got to his car that I love so much and he opened that passenger side door for me, I thanked him and he walked to the drivers side and hopped in with that same dang smile on his face. What's up with him. He just seems really happy. It couldn't be because of me, could it?

My Blue Eyed River Where stories live. Discover now