Shoto: Just listen to us!

Shoka: Just stop trying!

Katsuki: Listen up you quirkless little shit, you're even worse than these damn extras, do you need a reminder of what happens when you don't listen?!

Izuku: ... Just let me dream.

It only came out as a whimper, but a whimper was all that was needed to be heard by the five of them.

Teacher: Ok, the five of you have had your fun, you can sit down now.

They complied, but not before Katsuki gave him a warning that they weren't finished.

Time skip

Izuku was packing up his things, and as he was about to place his notebook in his bag, a hand grabbed him and took his notebook.

Katsuki: As I said, we aren't finished Deku.

Katsuki exploded his notebook and threw it out the window, what followed was a lot of punching, kicking, knees, elbows and usage of quirks, this was all thrown at Izuku and yet he still found it in himself to get back up, the scene may as well have been his life story, he stood up with shaking legs and attempted to grab his bag, but his plans were thwarted yet again as Izumi used her quirk "Psychokinesis" to stop her brother's hand from moving and then the Bakugou twins used their quirk "Explosion" on him, sending him crashing into the wall bloodied and beaten, the five of them started to leave and Katsuki gave a piece of 'advice' to Izuku.

Katsuki: If you wanna be a hero so badly... take a swan dive of the roof of a building and pray you get a quirk in your next life.

They left and Izuku stood up, he cleaned himself up, grabbed his stuff and left, the real reason why the five of them bully him is unknown to Izuku, they do it because they want to protect him from getting hurt or killed by a villain.

Izuku: Funny, he hasn't ever told me to kill myself, I guess he just wanted to say what was really on his mind.

He spoke in such a saddened tone, anyone would've comforted him and took pity on him... until they found he was quirkless. There was only a few people who treated Izuku like he was one of them, Rei Todoroki was one, she is beautiful white haired woman who was the mother of the Todoroki', Fuyumi and Touya Todoroki were another two, Fuyumi was a lot like her mother, only differences were that she had red tints in her hair and had glasses, Touya was a playful boy who had no trouble cheering Izuku up, then there was Mitsuki Bakugou, she has blond hair and a fiery temper, but even with that fiery temper she doesn't act like her two kids, then there was the only teacher who ever helped him with his troubles, Kirisu Mafuyu, a young lady with pink hair and a stern personality... unless you get on her soft side, she didn't like the fact that Izuku got bullied for something he couldn't control, and she was enraged at the fact that no other teachers would help him or do anything about the bullying, she would tend to Izuku's injuries and snap at anyone who verbally or physically hurt him, but one day she had to leave because the money wouldn't supply her needs, she left Izuku with a promise that they would meet again and when she left, the bullying started to peak, and lastly there was three kids Izuku saved from Izumi, Katsuki, Katsumi, Shoto and Shoka's bullying by putting himself through the pain to stop them from being hurt, Izuku can't clearly remember them because they went to a different school from him, but he will always cherish the moments they played together. As Izuku was thinking about what happened today he subconsciously took a shortcut under a bridge, little did he know a slime monster was waiting for him, the villain attempted to take control of his body and just as he was about to die,

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