The Specter Speeder flies further into the Ghost Zone as Danny and Aero look around; worriedly. Aero was also amazed.

"I can't believe it...this is the ghost zone...this is where my mom is..."

A few ghosts swirl past the cockpit of the Speeder. Danny turns to look back at them, and the Specter Speeder approaches a large white ghost that towers menacingly over it. Aero turns and screams when she notices the ghost. She hides her face in Danny's arm. Danny blinks and looks down at her. He turns to see the ghost as well. He screams and quickly brings the Speeder to a stop.

"Trespassing in an unauthorized vehicle. That's against the rules."

"Uh, sorry. W-We didn't know. We're from...out of town."

"Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it, punk. I see your faces around here again-"

He points at the two.

"You two and I are gonna have a problem."

"Y-Yes, sir."

Danny salutes and smiles nervously. He shifts the Specter Speeder into reverse and it zooms backwards as the ghost dissipates. The Specter Speeder flies all the way back and comes to a stop in its original spot in the basement lab, where Maddie is still yelling at Jack.

"Now get this into your head, Jack Fenton, there are some things more important than hunting ghosts!"

She hits back end of Specter Speeder again and walks away. A shaking, scared Danny and Aero get out the Specter Speeder to stand next to Jack.

"I know, I know. I'm just as freaked out by her reaction as you are."

Aero lets go of Danny's arm and runs off.

"I gotta tell my dad!"

The two blink and Danny realizes what happened. He rubs his arm and goes pink a bit.

When Aero gets home, she rushes downstairs to her dad's lab. She opens the door and sees her dad standing in front of their portal.

"Dad! You'll never believe-"

He turns to her and smiles.


He presses a button on a remote and the portal opens. Aero gasps as she sees a green swirl, but just like the Fentons.

"Omg...you did it....YOU DID IT!"

Her dad smirks and a slight tear goes down his face.

"Yeah and we're going to find your mom."

Aero runs over and hugs her father. They look at each other, smiling.

"Oh yeah, I went into the ghost zone."

Her dad blinks.


Outside of Fenton Works, a taxi pulls up to the curb, honking. Maddie walks out the front door towards it, pulling a suitcase behind her which Jack is hanging onto and dragging behind, trying to stop her to no avail.

"Maddie, please, don't go! I just have a little more work to do on the Specter Speeder, and then I'm done."

He lets go of the suitcase. Maddie stands in front of an open taxi door.

"We discussed this, Jack, remember? Visiting my sister? The divorce?"

She gets in the taxi and rolls down window.

"There's a casserole in the freezer right next to the ectoplasmic residue samples!"

She rolls up the window and the taxi drives away. Jack stands up and watches her go.

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