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Lauren didn't wear jackets for the third month.

Camila didn't know the reason, but one day she saw Lauren entering the tattoo shop with only her tight pants and a black T-shirt with the "The 1975" logo. She liked it, yes, because that garment gave her a privileged view of the top of her breasts, but that bandage around her wrist did not allow her to admire it completely.

Camila kept talking, she kept insisting, she kept offering help, and Lauren ignored her words as if they were faint blows of the wind.

"Lauren!" Camila greeted her.

"I see you're alone" Lauren said with a smile before kissing her lips delicately, almost as if she were afraid to break her.

Dope Tattoos wasn't getting too much clientele that day, so Camila had spent her day looking for phrases to conquer on the internet. She didn't have Lauren's talent to melt hearts with a flicker.

"Not now. I could never feel alone if I'm with you, Lauren."

Camila was hoping it would work, but the painter only laughed at her while squeezing her cheeks.

"What book did you get that from, Camz?" The older girl teased, although a small part of her had loved her words "I'm sure it's the quote from some popular book. Howe would never have said something like that"

"Accept you loved it."


"Lauren" Camila insisted with a pout.

"Just a little bit, but I think the fact that you're my girlfriend has something to do with it."

"I will settle for that answer."

And Lauren took her hand tenderly, but the tattoo artist couldn't help but notice the bandage on her wrist. Camila always noticed it, it bothered her, but the painter didn't allow her to do anything.

"Where's your jacket, Lauren?"

"In my closet" Lauren replied normally. She didn't care about her own wounds "The world suffers, Camz, and it's because of those who hurt it that I have this bandage. So many people I hate, so many things I can't help... I want them to see it. I want the people I hate to see it, and maybe then they can understand the damage they do every day."

Camila tried to hold back the tears. It hurt her to hear Lauren.

"Please, Lauren. Let me help you. There're other alternatives, other ways out, other ways to express your hatred for these people" Camila begged as she kissed her knuckles and looked into her eyes. Camila wanted Lauren to notice how much that hurt, but she was blinded "...please."

"The world is suffering, Camz. If you want to help me then help the world first."

Camila didn't want to sound selfish with her next lines, but she couldn't help it. She just desperately wanted Lauren to stop hurting herself.

"Saving you will save the world."

"What do you mean?" The painter asked with curiosity.

"Because you are my world."

Lauren sighed painfully as she heard her. She looked at Camila with crystallized eyes, and this simple action hurt.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but your world is falling apart."


Simon allowed her to leave early that day. It hadn't been the best day.

She and Lauren went to eat at the usual restaurant, and they occupied one of the many tables around. The central table no longer mattered to the painter.

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