Chapter 1 - Hunter Exam (1)

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Fuyu leaned against the stone wall, isolating herself by sitting far away from the other participants. She stood out like a sore thumb compared to the others in the place. She wore a long, black hooded parka and black boots. Who the hell wore thick winter clothing to the Hunter Exam? Everyone would be curious! She sighed, a white puff cloud escaping her lips. Fuyu's body temperature and the area surrounding her were always cold due to her quirk, Black Ice. She enjoyed the cold and hated the heat, she was fine with using her quirk, but she had to wear warm clothing to make sure to regulate her body temperature and when she gets hyperthermia from overusing her quirk.

The girl was enjoying her peace and silence, but of course someone had to ruin it by approaching her. She looked up at the man, he was fat, with brown hair and tanned skin wearing a blue v-neck shirt and grey sweatpants. "Hey!" He smiled, Fuyu frowned underneath her hood. "The name's Tonpa! This is your first time taking the Hunter Exam, right?" 'What type of guy wears winter clothing for this? What's his number anyways? He's not wearing it on his coat.'

'Number 16.' Fuyu's pitch black eyes continued to analyze him. After a few moments, she nodded. "Not much of a talker are ya?" Tonpa questioned, but continued to fake a smile. "This is my 34th time taking this exam." 'Not something to brag about fatso.' "I can give you information on the other participants!"

Fuyu continued to stare at him with a stoic expression. She did not trust this man, everything about him was fake, however, she did want some information. 'I am new to this world and I'm taking this exam without preparation... I will need information to help me.' "...Tell me about the ones I should look out for."

Tonpa perked up slightly when the girl talked to him. 'Everything is going to plan...' He internally smirked and then smiled at her, starting to explain. "The ones to look out for are the Amori brothers, numbers 197, 198, and 199. Those three brothers are veterans of the Hunter Exam and specialize in teamwork." Fuyu followed Tonpa's gaze and looked at the three brothers who wore a blue, red, and green-yellow shirt. "Next is #294, he's a ninja from Jappon and it's his first time taking this exam, but he is a strong contender." Fuyu looked at the bald ninja, chatting with another participant." 'He's a chatterbox... Bet he can't shut his trap.'

"Now you need to look after #44, Hisoka Morow the magician," Tonpa said, his voice becoming a whisper. "He's dangerous, you best stay away from him." Her interest peaked. "He failed last year's exam after killing twenty particpants and almost killing a proctor he did not approve of." Fuyu scanned around looking for the dangerous man. Her eyes spotted his tag and she observed him. He was tall and had light skin and pink-red hair. On his face was a teardrop and a star, his outfit reminded Fuyu of a jester. As if sensing her gaze, Hisoka looked at her.

Tonpa flinched and Fuyu stared at him for three more seconds before avoiding her gaze. 'The others seem to be in my league or just a little above, but #44... I should avoid him.' Fuyu looked up at Tonpa. "...Thanks for the info."

He smiled. "Of course! Gotta help you rookies out." He then went through his bag, taking out a soft drink. "A token to our friendship!" She stared at the drink in his hand, shaking her head slightly. Tonpa sweatdropped. "C'mon take one! I got plenty." His smile was twitching.

Fuyu deadpanned. "I don't like soda." His smile dropped and snickers were heard around. ("That Rookie Hunter is trying to get another target.") "Even so, just take one!" ("He does this every exam.")

"No," Fuyu harshly replied, the temperature dropping. Tonpa shivered and underneath her hood her gaze hardened, her eyes piercing him. She let out a breath and the cloud of air was visible. He froze. Fuyu took in a deep breath, stopping the temperature from dropping even more, she didn't want him to freeze from the cold air she was releasing. Tonpa took fearful steps away from her before running off. 'Coward. He can't even handle a little cold. Even that anxiety filled senpai with a pitying amount of confidence from class 3-A could handle it.'

Fuyu sighed, standing up from her sitting position and leaned against the wall. The elevator door from where she entered opened once again. A group of three walked into the exam site. One was a kid wearing green clothes with long spiky black hair, next was a teenager with blond hair wearing a blue tabard decorated with a red hem and a white full-body training suit underneath. Finally was a middle aged man wearing a dark blue business suit and sunglasses with spiked crew cut hair. 'What a weird group. Why does the kid look so bright?' Tonpa started to walk up to them and Fuyu looked away, no longer interested in them.


Tonpa was being kind and explaining to us who to look out for during the exam. Looking around I then noticed a person wearing a big black coat, it looked fluffy and like some type of winter clothing.

"Neh Tonpa, who's that?" I asked, pointing to the person. Tonpa paled when he followed who my finger was pointing to.

"They're a rookie, but it's best to avoid them," he explained.

"Why? Is he a killer too?" Lerio asked and Tonpa shook his head.

"I don't know, but he was cold being around. He gives me a bad feeling, so you should avoid him too."

'He doesn't seem bad. I can smell him from here, and the scent he gives off smells like a gentle snowfall.'

A/N : hey! Hope ya enjoyed the first chap of my HxH x MHA fanfic! I wanted to do this for a while when I saw people making this crossover and I was like, ima join in on the fun too lol. Anyways, along with this book I'm updating 2 other fanfics so there isn't a set update schedule for this fic. 

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