i fucking died

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Jason finally got James to mountain bike with him. After long, extended months of insisting, the latter one caved in and went mountain biking with little Jason.

The autumn wind blew past them as they peddled through freshly rain-blessed brown leaves, soil and a few branches.

The branches seemed to apear more frequently as they progressed in the trek they were following, bigger too.

Jason was taking the lead here, one of the branches were enormous, his bike got caught up and threw him forward in a great speed, causing him to be forced into a lake, completely submerged underwater 13 feet bellow surface.

"JASON- JASON-" faint screams of despair echoed along the trees.

Jason pov

I felt all of my bones break, i couldn't breathe, i didn't scream, because i had never felt so alive.

I didn't feel pain, i didn't feel hurt.

i sensed my body leaving my soul, i saw the light of the surface, so welcoming and loving, i heard voices of long passed love ones.

I saw my soul leave my body, i saw color of all shades, i was in total and complete bliss.

Yet i couldn't move, i couldn't scream for help. I was physically dead.

All i could hear from the world were James's cries of help, of hurt and fear. I wish i could help him, i hate to see him like this.

I saw a path of light and color in the distant sky and followed it. As i followed the path i saw my body in the lake. I was purple and my eyes were red, i looked dead.

And i saw James, rescuing me, taking me to the surface "Jason don't go Jason, don't leave me, stay, i need you. I love you"

I felt terrible to leave him like that. Yet i felt like i had to go, as my soul followed that path i finally came around the universe, on the distance there was a door. Right in the middle of the sky, it still seems abnormal to me to this day what happened.

James pov

I looked down at my dead boyfriend. And i cried. He left, he was all i had and he was gone.

Like that.

I actually was a starting to enjoy this bike thing, now i'm not sure if i want to touch a bike again.

The one and only i cared for most is long dead. I won't  be able to leave this behind. I felt numb, i wanted him back, i wanted him to be ok, to hug me and tell me he is ok. I want to tell his he is ok.

I was desperate. I screamed from the top of my lungs for him to come back.

I need him.

Jason pov

From the distance i heard a roar. I knew that voice well, and hated to hear it so vulnerable, i wasn't quite sure on what wanted to do.

I hate seeing people i love like this, but still, i felt like that door on the middle of the sky mattered more at the moment, yet, i still want James to be ok, to hold and assure him. He was, let's say nothing less and a lot more then the love of my life, we were pra ta married, and i love him. He is everything i ever need and want.

To say goodbye. What a thing i had to do, but did i have such a choice? No, i had to.

As i opened the door my life came flashing before me. It was literal memory lane, events from when i was i child, my first girlfriend, my first day of school, the day i dropped out, jamming with flotsam, the day at bush gardens, my first date with James. It was all going on on different corners of the room. Right in the end of the hall there was another door, so i opened it.

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