We fell in love in october (chapter 3: 1993)

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October 1993

"HARIBOOO" that's how Anne called Cady, as Cady resembled candy, and haribo is candy.
"HARIBO WAIT FOR ME UR TOO FAST AHHH" she screamed trying to catch up with her friend. They were tired and done with school.
"SHUT UP" said a nun. They were now studying now in a catholic school, supposedly one of the best in north america, payed by the record label. Their parents would never pay for a catholic school.
"Hai Lorena" Lorena was Anne's middle name "Wanna skip gym?"
"Hell yeah. What class do you have now?"
" Religion, fucking jesus class."
" You know, religion is not mandatory for people who aren't catholic, i would have religion too"
"Wanna catch the bus to San Fran and get some ice cream or sum'n, we only have religion and gym now"
"Please oh god please let's get the hell outta here."

They went to the bathroom and hid there for about five minutes. Snuck out of a small window on a wall in a stall that leads to the back of the school. They ran for their hills, ran for their lives to the next bus stop.
They got in the bus and didn't pay, since they were students.
"That was intense, we should do that more. So, any good music?"
"Today we have" Cady searched her backpack, found her walkman and some tapes "number of the beast, rust in peace, among the living and scream Bloody Gore"
"Rust in peace, megadeth, rebellious of you doncha think? Your dad is gonna be pissed when he finds out you bought a megadeth tape. Still this is arguably the best album in thrash metal for now." Said the brunette.
     "Right!! I didn't buy this, i got it as a present from Riki Rachtman, remember that time we appeared in headbangers ball, on that terrible, horrible father's day special? "
    "Good times. And he had the gut to give tou a megadeth cassette?"
    "Bold move i know. Whatever let's listen to scream Bloody Gore."
    "Damn, i forgot about Death, as in the band"
     "You forgot about the best band ever? Do you even mosh bro?" Said cady, with a masculine accent on the last frase.
     And there they laughed and, well, were their dumb selves until the album ended.
      And when it did, they already were at a cafe in downtown San Francisco near a record shop.

      "I'll have the banana bagel and a hot chocolate please"
      "How bout you blondie?" the waiter was a really creepy dude, he tried to flirt with them at some point.
     " i'll have an ice tea and some french toast" said Cady with a forced, yet nice smile.
     As Anne saw the waiter walk of to the back of the cafe, she quickly moved closer to her friend "Bro was a straight up creep"
     "Right, i even caught him staring at me, like my body and shit, fucking creep."
      "Nice place though. Cute, cozy. Feels like If winter was a cafe".
     "Yep. Hey, what do you think jesus freak is teaching today?"
       "Probably how we can't have sex before marriage and that gays are pedos and sinners, just the usual."
         "Why does he always talk about gays anyway?"
       "I don't have a clue. How much you wanna bet he's gay?"
        "So true. Hey uhm, can i tell you something?" Cady's hands were starting to shake, she was really nervous. She looked at the floor, almost in shame.
      "Your shaking, calm down, sure, what's up?"
    "I'm a lesb-"
    They both had a heart attack, jumped a bit. And there was Kirk out of all people to run into in a medium cafe.
      "BUSTED" and he started laughing his ass off.
     Cady blushed bright red like a tomato, almost crying, and Anne got pissed, looked like she was about to tear his fucking head off.
     "Heyy" all that Anne could come up with.
"I saw you two from outside and figured i should say hello."
"Hi, how's life?" You could feel the rage in Anne's voice, yet she kept a fake smile, trying to seem welcoming. Cady was in pure shame, but hid that as she lied through a fake smile.
"Good, wow, when was the last time i saw you guys? Oh, and I won't tell tour parents that you two are skipping school, relax, cool uncle kirk for the save" Kirk said with and enthusiastic and exited tone.
    " Thanks dude. Yeah i mean, like, a year ago? Wow, man, good to see you." Said Anne almost shouting in the most passive aggressive tone ever.
     "Totally, great timing too since it has been so long." The sarcasm in Cady's voice could easily kill someone. Finished with a fake and wide grin.
     "I should get going, there is this thing i have to go to, y'know from the wha pedal company, like this guitar convention thing, catch ya later." The guitarist walked away to the distance much to the relief of the girls.
"See ya" "Bye kirk" As the girls waved their hands.
      Shortly after the waiter came with their orders, since they ordered takeaway they payed and left.

    They were at a bus going back to the school, since there wasn't a way to go back home if it wasn't through the school bus.
     " Hey, what were you saying that got very rudely interrupted by Kirk? I swear i want to yeet his left big toe."
    Cady giggled softly "I swear i want to decapitate that son of a bitch 'cool uncle kirk' MY FUCKEN ASS" after that she started tearing up. She felt humiliated, exposed, betrayed by the universe, about to finally come out of a stinky, tight, ugly closet only to be forced inside again.
   "Hey hey hey, i'm here, cry all you want, I'm here, spill it all out,it's ok, i mean, he was such a moron. Crying is healthy you know. And you have all the right to cry, he was such a dumbass."Anne said the last matter-of-factly. She hugged her friend and they cuddled on the bus seat until they finally arrived at their school, only to catch the school bus and cuddle more on the way home.

Their houses were about ten minutes walking distance from the last bus stop. They only lived two blocks away from each other.
They were walking home, and Cady took the opportunity to spill it all out to her best friend, witch she herself was surprised she didn't tell.
"So, can i tell something, it's the thing from the cafe."
"Sure, just know you have my full support and that i love you no matter what, ok?"
"Oh my god i love you too, anyways, I'm a lesbian."
" Cool, just so you know, that really is not news, like you don't even seen to like your boyfriend. I'm bisexual, girls are hot aren't they?"
"See, it's because of stuff like this i'm your friend. I don't like him at all, he's gross, and gay, we are pretending to date so people don't find out we're gay. And Yes they really are, i want a girlfriend desperately. I WANT A GIRLFRIEND!!!!" She screamed and declared the last part.
" him being gay really explains a lot about the kid, funny thing is, both of you have homophobic parents, and your both pretty gay, how the fuck did they figure out by now that you two are hiding a fuck ton of gay?"
"I genuinely have no ideia, that thought kept me up so many nights. HEYYY remember that time when we were ten backstage? I felt so grown up that day. That's when I realized i was gay."
"OH MY GOD HOW COULD I EVER MCFUCKING FORGET? That's when I realized i was bi. And lars just walked in right after, i kinda thought that he knew whassup so he just walked in" And they laughed HARD after that, just remembering that conversation made them so much more gayer.
"Wanna do that again, just like, as friends, to practice kissing" The blonde said, in a kinda sarcastic tone, just in case.
And right there, in that deserted street, right in front of Cady Hetfield's house, they made out. Those two girls in schoolgirl uniforms, secretly in love with each other, just training kissing on each other. That kiss that held so much love and emotion.
After about five minutes of heaven and pure bliss, they broke apart. Looked at each other and hugged.
"Hey Anne, how's Jason?" James asked, coming from the house.
"Dad's fine, you?" Anne Newsted said as the two females broke the hug.
"I'm doing fine myself."
"Good, uhm see you tomorrow Harry?" I
"Sure Lorena, till then" Anne waved and the Hetfields and walked away,
Anne walked her way home the happiest person on the world. Cady walked her way to her bedroom the happiest person in the world. They loved each other, yet didn't want to sacrifice their friendship. But they did. They were head over heels for each other.

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