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This is jameson i swear
Lars' pov

We were laughing our living asses of with a joke Scott said, it was me, Scott Ian from anthrax and Kirk drinking and playing around at this bar.

Were told all the jokes, stories and memories we had, we played all the games and we sang all the songs. Needless to say we were pretty focking bored.

Until Scott had the brilliant ideia to go to a drag bar near by "Hey, how bout we go to the fag bar a few blocks from here? I mean not like you two are coming up with any new plans."

I looked at him with a very confused but intrigued expression, and Kirk asked " what the fuck would we do in a homo bar? And if anyone finds out we went to a fairy bar we're fucked."

"Hey, just for jokes and giggles, i mean, what does straight metal guys do in a gay bar anyway? We could take playboys, like a stack of them and just staple them to the wall."

"I mean, how badly could that actually go?" Its me asking by the way.

"Totally man. Just imagine, we walk inside the bar and we find James of all people?" Kirk joked.

Scott bursts out laughing "James is easily the straightest person i know it would be hilarious if we find him there."

We leave the bar and go to from gas station to gas station and seven eleven to seven eleven to get the damn playboys. We end up with about a foot tall stack of those badboys and go to the infamous fag bar.

Jason's pov

We were watching a drag show, I dragged james here, got it?

So we were watching a drag show because i really wanted to know how it was like, So i insisted a ton and james finally agreed to come with me.

"I hate to say this but this is fun."

"Look at that, the mighty Het loosing his pride." He chuckled "i told you it would be fun."

We start inching closer to each other "You are perfect, you know that, right?"

"No, and you are a lot better than i am at existing."

"I love you."

I could feel his breath on my face "i love you a lot more."

And finally, we start kissing, quickly escalated to making out.

Back to Lars's pov

So get there, and start ripping out of pages of the playboys and throwing it to the air. "Isn't it glorious, pussy rain!!" Kirk said, proclaiming it to the world.

Eventually we stop, and look around, and boy do we find a sight. Newfag. Making out with what we thought some dude. "Hey Newfuck, what a fucking surprise to see you here!!"

He urgently pushed the person with him as far away as he could. The blonde mop of hair glanced him a confused look then had a look around.

Does piercing ice blue eyes glanced us a look of annoyance, we were scared shitless, well, i was, Kirk was hiding somewhere and Scott just laughed his life off, you could hear the fear in that fucking laugh.

Next thing i know i get a punch on the stomach hard enough to make me cough out blood, accompanied by a "DONT CALL HIM THAT, DONT DARE TO CALL HIM ANYTHING."

Scott had left and Kirk stood still, from the knowledge that he would get beat up. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE!?!?" James was furious.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Kirk dared.

"Fuck off."

"Relax Jamey, it's ok. It'll be useless if you just got angry at them."

James turned to look at him, and his palmed his face, "but they called you a fag." And a really softened look at him.

"Still not worth it, let's go home." Jason grabed his hand and started to walk out the door, we closely followed them and once we reached the outside we noticed that james was about five feet ahead of jason.

So me and Kirk attacked him and pinned him down on the wall. "You don't think you can get away with this all this easy?" I threatened.

"No, no I can't just, don't kick me out, please!!"

I gave him a good punch to the stomach "what the fuck to were you and James doing in there being all gay?"

At that, i get a punch to the back of my head. "Were gay Lars, like for each other motherfucker".

I release Jason and him and James approach each other. "Let's go home I'm really tired".

And i spent o rest of the night not getting answers for my questions.

Jameson quality bullshitTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon