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After endless hours in a cramped tour buss with a smelly rat and the sound of wha forever ingrained in their tired, hopeless minds, metallica finally reach the next city, and therefore, the shitty hotel room.

except there was a 'mistake', there only were three rooms booked.

"Newkid sleeps on the floor outside of the room! I ain't gonna share shit with him."

"Sorry, i just don't have a choice dumb ass, i get a room, kirk gets a room and you two share."

Kirk and Jason were jamming on some instruments the hotel had for musicians to play for the restaurant gests, "Can you guys please just choose a room, i don't know, try your luck with cards or something." Kirk shouted.

"unbelievable, will they ever stop bickering for once their lonely, miserable lives?"


About twenty minutes later and they were on their way to the rooms. As it turned out, Lars won, so the J's would have to share.

Only one problem, there was only one bed.

"You have got to be fucking shitting me."

Disappointed, Jason frowned, 'but what did i fucking expect, that he would accept me and feel the same as i do? That's just plain asking too much.' he thought.

"You sleep on the floor." James exclaimed.

"fuck no it's freezing!"

"Get a blanket."

"I would have to get yours, so you get a bed and no warm blanket James, and i refuse to sleep on the dammed floor."

'Fuck it' The blonde thought.

"Fine, you win, but if you touch me, or do something wrong, it's your place in the band that's in the line, so be fucking careful." he only ment the part were Jason won really.

"What's something wrong supposed to mean?"

James felt his brain melt, "I DONT FUCKING KNOW mind your own goddam business." James had a wicked tendency to lose the ability to have sense and lost some of his toughness around Jason.

The brunette undressed until he wore nothing but his briefs and a long sleeve shirt and tucked himself under the covers, with hopes to fall asleep.

James did the same, undressed until he wore nothing but his briefs, tucked himself under the covers, but differently from Jason, he didn't really sleep, just silently watched as his company slept. Jason was so mesmerising in James' eyes, he wished he could see his royal blue irises and more of his pseudo-soft body, pseudo because he never got to actually feel it under his fingertips.

And boy did Jason feel that leering gaze. Even though he was fast asleep, he felt it in his skin as if James' eyes shot acid out of them that burnt holes onto his face and chest.

After about, fifteen minutes of just laying there, James was sure his companion for the night was asleep, and snuggled him into his arms like a teddy bear, snuggle tight. Once he held him, ha sniffed his hair, it smelled just like what he imagined, cheap women's shampoo and something floral, but also entirely Jason.

He gave Jase a small kiss on his shoulder blades and fell asleep.

A fell hours later Jason woke up due to his thirst. The first thing he noticed were arms. Everywhere. And their touch was gentle, warming, felt nice in that cold winter night.

And then he remembered that the only person with him was James. And James wasn't like those gentle arms and that head behind his back all comfy peacefully snoring. So he slowly turned to his back, then to his other side, facing James.

And that was enough for him to fall in love. He looked at James, sleeping like a little kid all snuggled to his human teddy bear. It was adorable, for Jason, that was the most vulnerable he had ever seen James.

Unconsciously, the bigger little kid got even more  comfortable by positioning his head right next to his little teddy bear's crook of the neck.

Jason released a giggle. He had never seen such a tough person be so adorably filterless. So he swung his leg over James' hips and an arm over his waist, and fell asleep again, completely forgetting he was supposed to be thirsty.

The giggle, the leg and the arm woke James up again. He started to internally panic, "how the hell did i end up here?" he mumbled, in turn waking Jason up.

When Jason opened his eyes, and saw James looking right back at him. "i woke up in the middle of the night and you were all over me, did indo something wrong?" he responded.

"No. Your perfect."

'he just really tired, right? no way he actually could have said that.' the brunette thought.

"Jason" snapping him out of his thoughts "i've seen the way you look at me, and i feel the same." he had tiredness, not just from lack of sleep, but from pretending.

Jason's eyes snapped at him. He leaned closer and kissed James. Just a peck. "i really like you" he said, opening him a big, bright, yet cute smile.

Even on the midnight dark, James' eyes were bright with emotion and love. And want. A lot of hungry want.

And once again, the gigantic little kid snuggled tightly around his little teddy bear. "i really like you too, teddy bear."

They snuggled and fell in deep sleep. After about four hours, Lars and Kirk came back from the local bar.

"hey, security guy!! open this fucking door!!"
screamed Lars.

The door opened, to the sight of Jason and James... cuddling. Lars fell uncontrollably laughing "KIRK KIRK OUR PLAN WORKED."

"No way!! Get outa there!!" And he saw THE scene "Shit!" he said chuckling.

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