We fell in love in october (chapter 4: 1996)

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October 1996

Our girls had since only fallen more for each other, and expanded their social group and were now in high school.
     Cady and Marcus publicly broke up when they changed schools and came out to everyone except their families. Luckily people just didn't care.
     Now Haribo, Lorena and Lobster boi, as he was called, were in a group with a dude named Miles and another dude named Jacob. They were friends over their unbearable amount of gay and metal. They had a very crackheaded MSN groupchat, called 'Metol gais and a bi"
    They were in a park drinking beer and vodka and listening to pantera's new album. It was the afternoon.
    "Yeah no joke, like the dude thought i was a chick and started flirting and i flirted back because he was just super hot, them he approached me and saw i that i'm a guy, and punched me in the face, but i was so drunk that i just kissed him back." As jacob told the story.
       "Fucking icon" Anne said much to the agreement of everyone. Everyone was laughing and having a blast.
Cady was observing her love is such a curious, loving way, Anne made her smile just by existing, almost like absorbing as much Anne as possible. That did not go unnoticed by Miles and Marcus. They nodded at each other and knew exactly what to do.
"Hey lobster boi, i need to piss and it's too dark i refuse to go alone."
"Whatever man." He was kinda disappointed at his friend for being a such terrible liar.

They were deep into the woods, so no one could see that they weren't pissing.
"Cady is so into Lora it's disgusting." Miles started.
"RIGHT!! Their downright in love with each other i can fisically feel their romantic tension. You know, Anne told me once that she really doesn't mind the ideia of marrying Harri."
"We should do cupid, when the album or beer ends, you take Cady to your truck and talk her into gettin that pussy. Let's get our girls laid, how bout that?"
"Tell jake about the plan, we stay with Anne."

The album ended just as the two came back. Miles whispered the plan to Jacob's ear.
"Hey candy dick, let's go get another albums, see what you got." Yelled Marcc
    "Sure dude" She stood up and started walking towards Lobby Boi. They were walking to Jacob's truck his dad got him when he came out to "man him up." That's were their backpacks were, and Cady's albums were.
    "Ok so we got... Possessed, anthrax.." Cady looked around.
    "AND WE DONT CARE FOR WRITING THIS" They really liked to just yell that song at any given opportunity
    "Maiden, done it's maiden."
    She just gave him an annoyed look and turned around to get more beer.
     "So Cady, it's pretty obvious that you like Anne and we think that she likes you too."
    "Wow, you caught me" She said in a sarcastic tone, throwing her forearms up like a criminal. "Can i be honest with you, she is my all-time best friend and the love of my life, i really love her and want to protect and make love to her, but I don't want to ruin our friendship."
     "You know, she once said that she really would not mind marrying you, she always looks at you with awe and adoration and what i call 'subby bottom in love' look, and i feel the emotion when she says that she loves you, she says it's platonic but it never is."
      That left Cady thinking, in absolute happiness, could she actually have a shot? Does she actually love her?

   "Hey newkid junior, we kinda have this theory that Harri is in love with you, and it's obvious that you clearly have something for her, so we highly suggest you go get that pussy" Jacob said with a slight slur as Cady approached them from the truck with a Iron Maiden CD. That was Anne's favourite album. Iron maiden self-titled.
    Before Anne could process what was happening Cady Turned her way and said "Can we talk near the lake."
    Anne gave her a warn and inviting smile, stood up and started walking to the direction of a near by lake and sat at a bench on the side of the lake. Cady followed shortly and sat beside her.
    Their hearts were jumping, their heartbeat hurt, they were fast and strong. They were nervous. They were such good friends that their presence wasn't the cause of the nervousness, in fact it only caused them happiness, what made them nervous was the talk they just had, with so much going in their head.
     "So Mark and i were getting the next album we were supposed to be listening to but were not because were here having this conversation, and he told me a very interesting thing about you not minding marrying me, and i just want to say that i feel the same, i don't know if you mean what i think you mean but i just want to say that i love you, more than just friends, like i want you to be my lawfully wedded wife one day." And just like that, that top, kind of butchy athlete persona that Cady Haribo had had just been shattered into the neck deep in love, unstable mess that was Candice Hetfield.
    She looked down in shame and expected this friendship she had, her most precious little Anne to reject her and turn her back just like everyone else had, her "friends", her mother, not really but yeah, her father, her cousins, her teachers, everyone.
    Annebeth, yes that was her real name that she didn't really like, knew well what Candice had, and was going through, as she was always there, by her side, cheering her up and trying to understand.
      "I love you, i mean it like, i have cried over you, over your hair, face, piercing bright blue eyes ready to love whoever os willing to love you, your great personality, your amazing abilities to do sports and anything really."
    Candice looked up at her, a tear falling over her cheek, carefully wiped away with a soft finger of another crying mess.
     "For the longest time, I thought i wanted to be you, kind and sweet and beautiful and really fucking unique, you just never cared for what people think but what people are, but then I realised that i love myself  just the way i am, and that i want you, for you, i want you to be my girlfriend."
     This wasn't just a Cady and Anne shit talk, ir a Cady and Anne deep talk, this was Candice and Annebeth spilling something that has existed inside them from the first glance, the first scratch, the first "Catch your it".
     "I think your perfect in every way ever imaginable" Candice completed.     
    They were both in tears, Annebeth closed the distance between them and kissed her, but this wasn't just a friendship kiss like every other one was supposed to be, they felt like the stored emotions of almost ten years were spilled out like a tsunami into their lover's mouth.
     "I'd love to be your girlfriend" Anne said with the biggest, widest, warmest, loveliest smile on her face as they pulled out for air.
     "I love more than anyone could ever even think of loving you."
    "I love you way more."
      And than they cuddled in that uncomfortable bench looking into the calm water of the vast lake, enjoying each other's presence, and feeling a million tons lighter.
       That's when, from hell to really ruin the moment "Anne, honey shouldn't you be home? It's almost eight o'clock. I am taking you home." Then Jason realised that she wasn't alone "Oh hey Cady? Want a ride?"
They practically had a heart attack, looked at him in horror and Cady just faked a smile.
       "What are you doing here anyways dad?"
     "I was in a date in the restaurant inside the park, so the woman i was in a date with went home and i just decided to go for a walk."

      "Bye guys, see ya'll Monday at school." They said to their friends as the girls got their stuff and walked to Jason's car.
"Bye, don't have too much fun you guys." Cady and Anne just looked at then with an annoyed look, and they signalled hearts with their hands at them, the elder just looked at them with a confused look but just shook it of as an inside joke.
      Once they got in the car, they turned it on and the second primus album started playing. The girls were in the backseat and jason was with eyes on the road.
     About ten minutes into the ride Cady slipped her hand up Anne's upper inner thigh and up her skirt. She was trying to make a move and Anne realised that and didn't stop her.
    They were looking at each other's eyes, lust and need took over their looks.
"Mr. Newsted, i think i forgot my jacket last time i came around, do you mind if i come inside to try to find it?"
"No not at all."
Once they arrived at the Newsted household, the girls raced straight to Anne's room, devouring each other once they got there.

Around twenty minutes later, they had made sweet love and were laying naked under Anne's sheets cuddling and saying sweet things and just talking about life, the last nine years, about whatever came to mind. Until Cady remembered she had to go home, so she put her clothes on and said she had to go.
      "Look, let's go to the movies tomorrow, how bout that?" Cady proposed.
     "Fine." Anne looked away sad, and disappointed.
        "I love you" Cady said, leaning in for another kiss, greatfully granted by Anne. They kissed for about a minute, until they broke apart for air.
     Going down the stairs to the living room they saw the scaring image of jason wearing nothing but a shirt and boxers, eating a tub of ice cream and watching some romcom.
      "Later Mr. Newsted." Jason jumped when he remembered that Cady was there at their house. 'She is always fucking here, go hang put somewhere else for fuck sake' he thought.
      "Bye Cady"

     "I love you, ok"
      "I love you way more"
     They gave each other a peck on the lips and Cady disappeared inside her own house. Anne was looking at her and thought to herself 'i really love her'. She went to sleep with the biggest smile on her face thinking about Cady, and how she looked while topping her on that same bed, and just how amazing she was, how beautiful she was, how she loved her and wanted to have a future with her.
      They gave each other a peck on the lips and Cady disappeared into her house, there she saw   a drunk James watching TV and playing guitar "hey cad, were the fuck were you? It's almost ten."
      "I was out with some friends and we fell across Newsted so he gave me and Anne a ride."
     "Whatever, go to your room. I'm sick of you staying out late with those faggots" angered he said, after taking a sip from his bottle of Jack.
    So she did that,  once she got there she looked put the window, towards Anne's house, and said "Goodnight my love, i love you, don't forget that, your beautiful and finally truly mine." As she always did, but this time wasn't like all the other times, she meant it this time more than ever before, and she really meant every time she did this. After that she fell asleep with a smile on her face. Thinking about Anne, how cute she looked getting fingered, her little noises that she made, how fucking adorable and beautiful she was, how unique and talented she was, how much she wanted and loved her and how much she wanted a future with her.


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