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You heard your phone ringing. You tried to sit up but you couldn't. Your head was rested on Bambam's stomach while Hyunjin's legs stayed on top of yours. You tried to push them off without waking him up, but failed. He sat up quickly. You held up a finger telling him to shush. He nodded. You climbed over the rest of them to reach you phone. It was when Felix stuck his arm out that you tripped. As you fell you let out a small yelp. As you hit the ground alot of them woke up. Bang Chan groaned. "What was that?" He rubbed his eyes and sat up. He saw you on the ground. He let out a small laugh. You stood up. "Alright this isn't funny! I was getting a call, but Felix's damn arm tripped me!" You said grabbing your phone. When you unlocked it, there was a missed call from Taeyong. You tried calling him back, but he didn't respond. You sighed. You sent a glare to the boys. "What?" I.N asked with a pout. You slumped. "I'll just talk to him at school, Monday." All of the boys got up. "I'm sorry y/n." Felix said pulling you into a hug. You patted his back awkwardly. "No, don't be. Im being dramatic." Hyunjin walkes over and hugged you too. "I'm sorry too! I sae his arm moving" you sighed "Guys seriously don't be sorry!" Before you could say anything the rest of them hugged you too. "Group hug!" Bang Chan shouted. You groaned. "Guys! I don't think thats smart! Y/n doesn't really like hugs..." Bambam said. They all pulled away quickly. "Ok guys thanks for staying, but I think I want some time to be alone. So get the hell put of my house" you barked out. They all giggled as they ran. Bang Chan stopped. "Thanks again, and I'm sorry if we were a bother." He said. You smiled. "Oh y'all weren't dont sorry about it." You said he let out a breath of relief. "Oh thank goodness. Anyways, bye." He waved before walking out, but he paused. "Don't forget, you're beautiful" he said wink a playful wink. You laughed before pushing him out. "Jeez...that was an interesting night." You said as you jumped on your bed. You did nothing through out the day. When it was night your mom walked in. "So! You and Taeyong...when is the second date?" She asked with a smile. You shrugged. "I don't know. He's kinda bipolar." You said. She smiled. "Go to sleep, you're not gonna be late again.

His chubby girl (Bang Chan X Reader) DISCONTINUED/REVAMPINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora