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You stood there shocked. "...me?" He nodded. "You're very beautiful, and I just saw that you could be funny! You seem lile a very amazing person to me." You looked at him and nodded slowly. He smiled and grabbed your hand with both of his."I'll pick you up tomorrow at 5pm, how does that sound?" Before you could speak he pulled you into a hug and whispered "you wont regret this." He then walked away and out of the room. Lucas looked at you with pity on his eyes "Congratulations y/n. I bet you and Taeyong would be happy together." He spoke withput enthusiasm, but with a big smile. He held his hand up for a high five, but you couldn't quite reach it. Mark was standing on his phone again. "Sorry about his boring ass. Hes always texting our other friend." You raised an eyebrow. "Anothet friend? It seemed like the three of you were the only ones." Lucas laughed loudly. "Oh god no. We have like twenty more." Your eyes widened. "Thats HUGE! Wow imagine having that much friends." You smiled. He place his arm on your shoulder and looked you in the eyes. "Well any friends of mine, are friends of them too, so, congrats. You have twenty-two more friends than before." He walked you home since Bambam had detention. When you got inside you heard voices in the kitchen.

"So the counselor knows about her insecurities now?"
"Yes. I didn't want to do it, but it was worrying me."
"Thanks a bunch Chris. I hope things get better for her now"
"No problem! Its something I wanted for her too."

You stood waiting for the man to walk out, but he used the back door. You walked into the kitchen and your mom jumped up.      "Y/n! Welcome home sweety. I was a bit worried when Bambam called to say he couldn't walk you home." She wrapped her arms around you. You hugged her back. "Who was here? I heard a mans voice." She looked at you and laughed. "A man..? My goodness no. It was one of your classmates." You shrugged it off, but still cautious. When you got up to your room you opened your backpack and saw the bag Chan gave you. It was a light blue dress that looked pretty simple.

 It was a light blue dress that looked pretty simple

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

If you Dont like the dress, imagine one you like. I just love this dress.

His chubby girl (Bang Chan X Reader) DISCONTINUED/REVAMPINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن