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Once you were at school you noticed Lucas waa following you. You tried to ignore it, but he was terrible at hiding. After a while of it you turned to face him. "What do you need?" He stood up straight and looked at you. "Follow me?" He smiled. You looked around to see if any teachers were near. You didn't like the idea of skipping, but he seemed trustworthy. You nodded and and he grabbed your hand. He pulled you through the schoop hoping to avoid staff. He stopped near one of the girls bathroom and you heard crying from inside.

"I can't believe he dumped me.."
"Its ok! He doesn't deserve you"
"No! I don't deserve him!"

Lucas looked at you. "Thats Jennie crying. Youngjae dumped her earlier, and she has been looking for you." You peeked inside and saw Lisa hugging Jennie as she sobbed. "Just be quick, I'll yell when I see a teacher." You walked in and both of the girls turned to you. "You..." Jennie stood up and walked over to you. She offered you a small smile before it turned into a glare.
"I honestly feel bad for you. Your friends are fake. All the shit Youngjae talked...you know I hate you right? Its not just because of your appearance, or because a lot of boys like you. It is because you act like you don't know you're pretty. Everytime someone compliments you, you always respond with 'Oh im not!' And it is so annoying!" She started yelling. You stood there and just listened to her words.
"Your dad probably left for a reason!" She yelled. You snapped up and glared at her. "Dont bring that up" you didn't want to raise your voice. She smirked and Lisa stepped up next to her. "Good thing you came alone." Lisa raised her hand and slapped you. You held your hand to ypur face that stung with pain. Jenni was yelling insults as Lisa hit you. After a while you were against the wall and Lisa had a lot of power now. You didn't want to cry, but you couldn't hold it back. Lisa hit you one more time before she turned to Jennie. "Should we post pictures? I feel like we did a good job here." The two of them giggled as they took pictures of you. As you sat there on the floor you felt as if you've lost all power you seemed to have held. "Hmm...which one should we post?" They both looked at you and pouted. "Now you're pretty little face is all messed up. How does it feeo to be truly ugly?" Jennie held her phone out and showed you the picture. "Hmm...you look a bit pathetic here..!" Seeingthe picture angered you. "I like how red looks on you-

"Shut up!"

His chubby girl (Bang Chan X Reader) DISCONTINUED/REVAMPINGWhere stories live. Discover now