"hearing that is a dream every chief wants to come true and it's an honor to hear you say that Skyler, thank you," I said. she looked at me smiling. I already know I have a soft spot for her and that will cause me trouble but I don't care. she reminds me of my daughter

"If you need anything or you are in trouble you tell me okay?" I asked and she nodded

"thank you Owen, really," she said. I nodded and got up

"Oh and Sky You will be one hell of a good Chief, but I need you to be alive for that. don't be the hero sky, be the good person you are but not the hero. you were lucky today but you have to understand that you won't always be, that's why we were mad, I told David you won't get any punishment this time but make sure there won't be a next time. I'm telling you that because I care about you" I said and she gave me a small smile

"and because you don't want to be left alone with all the boys again," she said and I laughed a little

"I understand" she added. I nodded to her and walked

Maybe I only know her for a week but I have a feeling that she said she I understand but not I won't do it again because she doesn't want to lie, and something that worries me.

I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before she opened

"Adams, what are you doing here?" King opened the door and looked surprised

"I came to talk to Jonathan," I said with a serious tone. I didn't want to see King for now because I want to punch him. he knew he needed to tell her who he is and I know him he is a good person and that's why what he did anger me but its not my place to say anything to him, I knew there was a chance he will be in Jonathan room they probably wanted to talk about what to do know but I still needed to talk to Jonathan

"he knows what he did was wrong," King said

"I know too" he added looking me straight to the eyes so I can see he isn't lying

"it's not my place to say anything to you but about Jonathan... it's not the first time it happens, I want to talk to him," I said and he looked at me

"I know it's not your place to tell me but we are friends and I respect you and I know what you must be thinking but I can't explain it right now. I will go now" he said. I nodded and he left. he is right we have a lot of respect towards each other and we are friends but I knew he won't tell me anything I know they know each other from before and they are now on bad terms but I don't know further than that. King is a closed book he is a great Chief but he hates talking about himself or his personal matters so I don't know a lot about him, I do know that he is like that because of what happened to him here, he went through a lot.

"Owen do we have to do-" Jonathan started to say but I stopped him

"yes, follow me," I said and he nodded. we walked to a bench that was close by and sat on it

"Jonathan you are pushing her away," I said and looked to see his reaction

"with all the respect Owen it doesn't concern-" I knew he will act like that and I was ready. I cut him mid-sentence

"you convinced your friends, my team, to keep a secret from someone in their team, you asked them to choose you over her, that's wrong, do you ever thought about that? that now in the first week she knows them they hide a secret from her? a secret about her? one that she deserved to know?" I asked him and he looked at the floor

"don't take them down with you," I said, that made him look at me again

"what do you mean?" he asked and I laughed

"Jonathan you are pushing her away, and even after what happened at the beginning when you found out she joined here you still acting like she is a little child that you need to shelter from everything, and that behavior is pushing her away. she won't tell you her secrets she won't listen to you more than now she will be mad at you, I'm trying to avoid that" I explained to him. he looked at me with an angry look

"Since I was fourteen I looked after her and kept her safe, my mom was in a bad place after he died and she knew it not alcohol or something like that just sad all the time, so after he died and long story short her best friend, King's mother left, she went to a place that will help her, our grandparents were with us for a half year in that and in that half-year, I understood I need to take my father role and I chose to shelter her, yes but you didn't saw the place she was in after his death it scared me, I don't want her to ever be in that place again, and I know she is in a better place now but I was afraid that Matthew will bring her back to those memories. we were best friends Matthew, Sky, Riley who is King sister and me and when they left after my father died it broke her and she never forgot them I know it, she never stopped thinking why. why did they leave her when she needed them the most, and I don't want her to know the answer because as much as I love King and forgave him but the answer is not going to help her, it's not the answer she was looking and hoping for all this time. she is very strong, I am proud of her but this broke me and I know she will take it harder so maybe what I did wasn't the best way but I would do it again" he finished talking and got back to look at the floor

"I didn't know" I said, that explain a lot, he laughed

"why would you, she doesn't let anyone see those feelings she acts like nothing wrong but she has been through a lot," he said

"even before what you just told me I wanted to say I understand you, she is like your father which maybe is a good thing to some people but you think it's bad, don't you? you think she so much like him she will also die like him" I said and he didn't raise his head

"he had a choice, she doesn't know it but when I joined here I did some research and I found out what they told us is only half of the story, he chose to go into that building knowing he could die, they could have sent someone else without children and wife but he didn't agree, but how could you be angry at a hero? If Sky would have known that I don't want to think about what would happen. and when I saw her here I lost it, because I'm afraid that if she will need to make that choice she... I won't be able to live knowing I failed to save her from my father fate" he stopped talking and raised his head looking at me his eyes holding so much pain

"I understand you better now, I can understand your decisions, she would understand them too if you would have told her but I know you won't and it's not my place to say anything but I will tell you this, about other matters don't shelter her, talk to her, explain why you are doing what you are doing, she will understand it. if you need help or need to talk you can come to me, I know you have King but there are things that you cant talk to him about so if you need you can talk to me" I said looking at him in the eyes

"thank you Owen, if something like this will happen I will at least tell you," he said and I smiled and nodded

"I will stay here for a bit," he said. I nodded  said goodbye and left 


Author note:

god that was a long emotional chapter, did you like Owen's pov? 

Oh, and I wanted to say thank you so much for 700 reads it means a lot to me I can't even believe it thank you so much!

hope to see you next time!

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