We made our way back to the tree and there we saw an amazing sight. 

Joohyun was resting her head on Seulgi's shoulder while Seulgi was leaning her head on top of Joohyun's. Me and Moonbyul high five each other and smile. and then took some pictures. 

I looked at the my phone and realized that it would be practice soon. Me and Moonbyul decides not to wake them and we both go to our activities. Will Joohyun be mad at me? Yes, but I want this ship to sail. 

Third Person POV

Seulgi woke up first and noticed the position that she and Irene were in. Her face got really red, but she decided not to move positions. She looked close at Irene's face and noticed how beautiful the girl really was.

She also noticed that Irene didn't wear her glasses today and felt a little happy that Irene took them off. Seulgi felt Irene's head move a bit on her shoulder.

Irene on the other hand woke up slowly and noticed how she leaned onto Seulgi. She quickly sits up and looks away with her face really red. 

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know I fell asleep!" She kept bowing to Seulgi with her face red. Seulgi also got up with a red face as well.

"No, I should be the one to apologize, I rested my head on yours..." She mentally slapped herself in the face for telling Irene that. Irene on the other hand somehow got even redder. She then looked at her phone and realized that she was late for volleyball practice.

She bows again to Seulgi and says that she has to go. Seulgi just watched Irene run off in the distance smiling to herself thinking she was cute.

Irene POV

I walk into the gym and notice everyone practicing already I go up to Yongsun and smack her in the head.

"Hey! What was that for?!" She asked rubbing her head.

"YAH! Why didn't you wake me up?!" She just smiled at me.

"You too seemed pretty comfortable there laying on each other." She said while smirking. I felt my whole face get red. She laughed and then showed me her phone with a picture of me leaning onto Seulgi and she leaning onto me. 

"YAH!" Yongsun started to run away while laughing and I just chased her trying to teach her a lesson.

Seulgi POV

I decided to go home in change of clothes. Of course I was worried to step inside my house. I always am worried on what will be inside. 

I open the door and see my mom. Here we go again.

Once again, my mom was drunk. She threw things at me, hit me, cussed at me, saying how she wishes I was like HIM. I just take all of the beating. This will be over soon I thought. 

I put on athletic clothes and leave my house with my mom sleeping on the couch. I got more bruises and cuts on my face once again.

I went to the boxing area where the club usually meets and sees Moonbyul. I walk towards her waving my hands. 

"Hey what's up man!" I asked.

"Haha hello to you too. Did you have a fun time sleeping on Irene?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I just blushed but chuckled.

"I did enjoy it. Not gonna lie." I replied. 

"Wow, you are really whipped for her aren't ya?" I only smiled in return. She hit my arm in a joking way, but it hurt like hell. I groaned a little bit and I saw her expression change from teasing to worry.

"You okay?" I could tell that she was actually worried about me.

"Some guys jumped me on my way here, but I'm fine. I taught them a lesson." I lied. I didn't want Moonbyul to be worried about me, but the reason that I gave her didn't convince her.

"I'm gonna call Irene." I started to panic.

"Please don't! She is in practice right now and has work after. I'll be fine!" She continued to type on her phone and I panicked more.

"How about this, I'll let you text her only if you say I got these injuries from practice." She stopped typing and looked at me confused.


"I don't want her to worry too much about me and about me getting jumped." The truth is, I didn't want her to worry about me and to tell people about my mom.

I was getting desperate. I looked at her in the eyes. "Please?" She looked at me and sighed. She texted Irene and told her it was because of practice. 

Moonbyul told me to sit down and not train for today. I really wanted to, but I guess it was the right choice to take a small break. 

After a little bit of resting I started to punch a punching bag. Did my arms hurt? Yes they did. I heard the door open and I turned around to see an angry bunny walking towards me.

She looked worried and angry at the same time, but I didn't know that she would be this scary when she was angry. If a stare could kill, she would kill everyone in this room. 

I smiled to her and walked towards her. She took a good look at me and then took off my boxing gloves and saw how badly bruised they were. Then she did the unexpected.

She slapped me.

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