Welcome to the vally

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My names Adeline cozy, me and my parents moved to a new area in the valley for my dads work. It was pretty interesting and I didn't really ask him why. It had been a month since we moved. My mom informed me I was starting school tomorrow.
"How about you take your bike and go to the mall and buy you a few new things for school" she said smiling at me while crossing the small kitchen.

"Fine but can I please get that new skirt I saw on Amazon? It's like soooo pretty" I said smiling and holding my hands to my face.
"Fine, I'll order it in a minute. Now go get some fresh air and DONT loose my card." She said handing me her card.

"Thanks mom!" I said leaving.
I took my bike to the mall and bought a ton of things. I went into a tiny little shop to look at the bags for school.
"Hurry the fuck up! I swear if we're late for karate I will kill all of you pussies"
A tall guy with large red spikes in his hair yelled, nothing i had ever seen before. I walked up to the wall with book sacks hanging up top, I found the perfect one. It was too high so I tried jumping to reach it, but it was no use. I turned around and sighed and caught the tall red haired kid staring at me.
Him and his friends walked over and he reached for the bag I liked and grabbed it. "Look at this bag" he said showing his friends. He put it back. "It's not really my style actually" he said putting it back and laughing at me.
"Could you get that for me actually" I said.
"I don't know my arm kinda hurts" he said walking away.
"What a bitch" I thought to myself.
I got the worker to grab it for me and after I paid he shoved me with his shoulder.
"You ass hole!" I said rolling my eyes.
Him and his friends turned around.
"What did you say to me princess?" He said quietly with an annoyed face.
"You heard me you asshole" I said rolling my eyes.
"I'd watch your mouth bitch" he said spitting on my shoes. Who the fuck does he think he is?
I moved my hand close to his face attempting to slap him. He grabbed it and pulled me close to him. "Don't try me" he said looking into my eyes.
He let go and him and his friends laughed making their way out of the store. I didn't see him for the rest of the mall trip but I'm glad. I rode my bike home and showed my mom my new stuff. "Go get your clothes out for tommorow." She said smiling. "Fine" I said rolling my eyes.

Nothing to regret~ Eli moskowitzحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن