Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Your mother's name was Victoria?" Anne asked gently, approaching the bed.

"Yes. Why?" Angel rocked her baby.

"Baby girl, have we ever told you the name of the angel that resurrected us?" Catherine asked.

"No. Why?"

"Her name is Victoria."

"What does she look like?"

"Chocolate brown hair, green eyes, and she wore glasses when she wasn't in her angel dress. Her favorite outfit to wear around us was a purple sweater and jeans." Anne recited from memory.

Angel started to cry, and not happily. "That's my mom."

Philip kissed Mary's temple. "I think it's be best if I waited in the waiting room. Call me when I can come in."

Mary nodded. "Okay hun."

"Lizzie why don't we go sit in the waiting room as well?" Cathy and Anne ushered the children away.

All that was left was Anna, Catherine, Jane, and Angel. And the baby girl, who'd been newly named Victoria Rose.

Angel sobbed. "How?" She held her daughter gently but like she was her life force.

Anna sent a text to someone, then knelt beside Angel. "It'll be okay sweetheart. I'm here. Gran and Gram are here. Mum's here as well, making sure your other baby will be okay. And look at the child in your arms. That's your daughter. And also,"

The door swung open and someone stepped in. She wore a purple sweater and jeans. Her chocolate brown hair was loose, and her green eyes her behind glasses. 

Angel looked up. "Mum?"

Victoria wanted to cry. "My beautiful girl." She stopped at the foot of the bed.

Angel had tears streaming down her cheeks. "How?"

"Angel, my baby girl. It's a complicated world. More complicated than I've ever known."

"Mum. How?"

"When that car hit me, when I died, I saw how you would grow up. I saw how you'd live. I couldn't let that happen to you. I knew I had to help you, so I applied to become a guardian angel. I resurrected the queens, and their children. I lied, and said Henry and the rest hadn't been resurrected as well. They'd already been resurrected for years earlier. I put them in the past, before I died. I made sure it was Anna the social worker contacted for adopting you. In court, I made it in your favor of being adopted. I had to make sure that even though I was gone you'd have a good life." Victoria let a tear fall down her cheek.

"Everything good that has happened since you left, was because you cheated your way through the afterlife. The first thing you did after being able to come back, have people see you, and see people was lie to my family saying you gave them a second chance, when you just didn't want me to have a hard life? My life's already hard. I gave birth to twins and you weren't there to hold my hand and tell me it would be okay. You weren't there when I needed you, even though you could have been. Where were you? I've been adopted for a year and a half now." Angel sobbed and refused to look her mother in the eye.

"Angel please look at me. You've always been my gift. My greatest gift."

"I thought the worst thing that would ever happen to me was when I lost you. I was wrong. The worst thing that's ever happened to me was when you manipulated my family to make me happy. They've shown me how the world really is. I know you love me, and I don't want to hurt you, but you have to stop living in a bubble where I'll always be happy, and I'll always have a home. Mom, for four years I was not happy, and I did not have a home, and the best day of my life was when the cast of my favorite musical adopted me, and brought me into their family as one of their own. I've made a life for myself that you have never been able to. Please, please make me forget everything that's happened in the last ten minutes." She pleaded.

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