Chapter 15: Moving day.

Start from the beginning

"Sorry George." Jamie said red in the face from embarrassment and laughing.


Everyone was now at the burrow even Ginny had returned from Hogwarts but only for the night. Everyone had been greeted and Jamie was now with Ginny in her room. She was excited that my bed was moved into another room so she had more space as Hermione had a bed in her room but Hermione didn't live at the burrow as she worked part time at Hogwarts in the infirmary or being a supply teacher. 

Jamie went to her 'new room' it was empty but still contained all the books Hermione had at the burrow, It was sort of a library with there being just a bed and book shelves and two bean bags. Jamie was pretty tired as she had gotten up early to pack and move her thing so she though it would be good idea to have a nap. So she got in the bed and drifted of to sleep. Not longer after she had fallen asleep she felt someone get into the bed and the familiar arms wrap round her. It was Fred. Jamie opened her eyes gave him a small smile and fell back to sleep. 

It was a hour before the party began and Hermione had come in to wake Fred and Jamie up. Once they were up they both decided to get dressed into party attire. Jamie put on a plain black party dress and some black heels. She put on simple make up and just brushed her hair and left it down.


The party had begun and Arthur's friends had arrived. Mrs Weasley had a buffet of food and drink. Every one in the group had drunk and they had been thrown outside because they were being to noisy.

"What we going to do now." Harry asked the group.

"Don't know but is freezing." George said shivering.

"It isn't that cold." Hermione said as she was wearing a coat because she took one as the group was being ushered outside by Molly.

"Well we are outside and I see the shed over there so..." Jamie said while Fred interrupted.

"Quidditch ? " 

"No there isn't enough of us but we could piss around on the brooms." Ginny said.

"Sounds good." Ron said.

Everyone walked over to the shed and grabbed a broom stick. Next thing Jamie knew everyone was flying on broomsticks drunk, The cold air felt good on Jamie's skin. When Jamie was at Hogwarts she played quidditch and was the beater for Slytherin. Some of the others were chasing each other around but Jamie was by herself  flying around so the cold air could go on her skin. Jamie was slightly uncomfortable as she was wearing a short dress and it kept riding up, She feared that she would flash the others but with the alcohol in her system Jamie didn't really care. 

All of a sudden Jamie was nearly knocked off by her broom by something flying passed quickly. From the laugh she could tell it was from Fred. As Jamie go back on the broom properly and sorted out her dress as it had ridden up exposing her behind she flew off chasing Fred. He was laughing loud and at every chance he could he would messing with Jamie. 

They both stopped hovering next to each other. Jamie leaned in for a kiss and Fred met her lips half way between the brooms.

"This is fun, but that dress and the broom don't match."Fred said slapping Jamie behind.

"Well I wasn't intending to fly when I was choosing my outfit. I didn't even notice it had ridden up." Jamie said slightly blushing as she pulled back down her dress.

"It's alright wrap this around your waist." Fred took off his shirt handing it to Jamie so she could tie it around her waist to give herself some coverage. Jamie could not peel her eyes from Fred's abs they sparkled in the moon light as he had been sweating.  "It's rude to stare." Fred smiled.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now