🌪The swamp🐊

Start from the beginning

Iroh: (smiling) Such a kind man!
Suki: ok seriously. Teach me.

(The camera zooms in on Zuko's angry and humiliated expression before flashing white.

When the image returns we see an overhead shot of a swampy area. Appa flies onto the screen and begins pulling away from the camera, the kids on his back.

Cut to Momo peeping over the saddle guard and chittering, then cut to a profile shot of Katara reading a scroll and looking vaguely bored. Pan left to reveal Sokka sharpening his machete, also looking bored. Cut again to Aang in the driver's seat. He looks ahead, a vacant, almost mesmerized expression on his face. He holds the reigns loosely in his hands. Cut back and forth between Aang expression and the swamp below. Some sort of communication is happening, but its exact nature is unclear. Cut to Sokka, who looks over Appa's side.)

Sokka: (to Aang, o

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Sokka: (to Aang, o.c.) Hey, you takin' us down for a reason?

(Cut to an underside shot of Appa, who is indeed descending. Appa emits a low groan. Cut back to Aang, still zoned out.)

Sokka: (from o.c.) Aang! (Aang flinches and the camera zooms backward to a wide shot of Aang and Sokka, now visible behind him in the saddle) Why are we going down?
Aang: What? (Wiping his forehead with his left hand) I didn't even notice.

(Cut to long, profile shot of Appa et al. They are descending at a steady rate.)

Sokka: Are you noticing now?
Katara: (coming up from behind) Is something wrong?
Aang: (looking down at the swamp with a slightly fierce expression) I know this is gonna sound weird, but... I think the swamp is... calling to me.
Sokka: (holding his stomach) It is telling ya where we can get something to eat?
Aang: No, I... I think it wants us to land there.
Sokka: No offense to the swamp, but I don't see any land there to land on.
Aang: I don't know... Bumi said to learn earthbending I would have to wait and listen, and now I'm actually hearing the earth. Do you want me to ignore it?
Toph: I don't think so.

(Appa continues to descend. Katara, Sokka and Momo peer over the saddle to look as they get closer to the swamp.)

Sokka: Yes!
Katara: I don't know... There's something ominous about that place.

(Momo chitters and exits the frame. Cut to a shot of Appa's head as he groans.)

Sokka: See Even Appa and Momo don't like it here.
Aang: Okay, since everyone feels so strongly about this... bye swamp.

(Cut to a wide shot of them flying on Appa. Aang shakes the reigns.)

Aang: Yip! Yip!

(Appa groans and flies out of the frame as he accelerates. Cut to a departure angle shot as Appa speeds away. As Appa and the gang recede, however, a huge noise is heard from o.c. A moment later a large tornado enters the frame from the rate. It moves at terrifying speed in pursuit of the kids, tearing up the swamp as it goes.

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