"Yeah, yeah. The- the cute blonde, right. Um, have you seen her around at all today?"

"Maybe. Depends."

Dean glared, "On what?" When the barman raised her eyebrows Dean scoffed, "Geeze, does everyone around here have their hand out?"

As he and Sam shared an irritated look, he pulled out some money and handed it to the barman.

"She left with Casey about an hour ago."

"Any idea where they went?"

"Her place... for Bible study."

Dean rolled his eyes, "You got an address?"

"What's wrong with you guys?" He scoffed incredulously, "You think I'm gonna give you two a co-worker's address, just so you can go over there and get your freaky peeping-tom rocks off?" Without pausing Sam handed more money over, and without pausing the barman continued, "Corner of Piermont and Clinton. Have fun."

Dean rolled his eyes yet again before heading out to the Impala. Sam sighed just as irritated and followed. The prostitute licked a cherry lasciviously and he carefully walked around her, avoiding her gaze.

Back in the basement...

Angel pushed a wine cask over to an opening that daylight was streaming in through. She held out her cell phone to try to get a signal.

Casey sat as she watched the blonde, "Why don't you relax?"

"Why don't you bite me?"

"Why, Angel, such a charmer. I had no idea." She raised a brow, "Look, we won't have any effect on the outcome of this, so we might as well be civil."

"Civil?" Angel scoffed as she tested the bars that lined the opening, "You twisted Richies neck around. How was that civil? Dude was harmless."

"That knife he pulled on me didn't look so harmless."

"Please, a knife wouldn't even put a dent on your little black-eyed-surprise, babe."

"No, but it would damage this body. And Casey has such a fine body, I wouldn't want to see it ripped."

Angel chuckled, "Never thought I'd see the day where I ran into a demon with a heart. Guess there's a first for everything, but i gotta tell you..." She hopped off the cask, "There's a bunch of dead people in town that might disagree with you."

"Hey, I didn't pull any triggers."

"No, but you did something."

"You want to know what I did- what I really did? I had lunch."

"You had lunch?"

"Me and Trotter. He had a cheeseburger, I had a salad, and I just pointed out the money that could be made with a few businesses that cater to harmless vice. So Trotter built it, and, man, did they come. Supposedly God-fearing folk, waist-deep in booze, sex, gambling. I barely lifted a finger." She scoffed, "Lemme share a little secret with you Angie, all you got to do is nudge humans in the right direction. Some whiskey here, a hooker there, and they'll walk right into hell with big, fat smiles on their faces. Your kind is corrupt, Angel. Weak. Our will's stronger. That's why we'll win."

"And what? That's how everything ends?"

"No. That's how it begins."

At Casey's apartment...

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