Biggest Mistake (3)

Start from the beginning

    "You dated Jordan or Kyle?" Craig asks as we take a few more steps.

    "Jordan," I say and pass Craig my time table. His eyes flicker over the piece of paper, and he looks at me. I notice that he's about the same height as me, but most likely taller as I'm in heels currently. He seems to be wearing a confused expression across his face. "I'd rather you didn't spread that around the school. It didn't end so well." He nods his head and his eyes went to the paper he was holding.

    "You're in my homeroom," He says passing it back to me. "I kind of got held back a grade. I'm eighteen in February."

    "Why? I mean my brother got held back because of a car crash." That was common knowledge and by Craig expression he seems to know this fact. I knew it was okay to mention it.

    "I had a college girlfriend last year and spent most my time with her instead of studying and so yeah. We broke up in the summer holidays and I've come to the conclusion that dating is not all that it's cracked out to be." I smile by his comment and almost burst into laughter by thinking that is how I look at relationships now.

    "Totally agree with you," I say and he stops outside a room and opens the door for me. I mutter my thanks and walk through the door. Craig pushes me to three people on the side of the room near the back. I slide into a seat next to a black haired girl engrossed in a book, her eyes flicking across the pages.

    Craig sat down next to me before saying, "Hey Gracie." She looks up and smiles at Craig before turning over her book on the small wooden desk. She looks at me and her face is pulled into an even bigger smile.

    "You're Tyler's sister." I nod my head and she carries on. "I'm dating Carter and he doesn't shut up about you. I'm kind of bit envious now, you're stunning." Her eyes go over me. She gives me a half-hearted smile all the same. I return it, but I feel this girl may have a problem with me.

    "Um thanks. Carter is like another brother to me. He just gets me," I say and her body relaxes as I sit here.

    "I know this is a weird question, but have you guys ever dated?" I smile at the comment before shaking my head. She relaxes even more, and I guess she's worried that I would be a distraction for him and she didn't want Carter chasing another girl. I mean, that's understandable. A tiny bit of envy is healthy in any relationship.

    "I use to have a crush on him before my first boyfriend and I told him. We would have dated if I was still here, but I doubt that would have worked out. We are too like brother and sister than anything else. Anyway he's crazy about you. He sent me an email about a month ago talking about his girlfriend and it was like five pages long." She smiles and I see her cheeks flush red and I smile. At that moment a woman, I would place in her late thirties, came through the door. She had shoulder length red hair and was wearing glasses. A bell also rang at that moment and I notice that most of the seats were taken.

    There was a short pause before the women says, "Well I haven't got any notices to say other than the fact we have a new student. Scarlett," her eyes flicker to me and I smile at her. She asks, "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

    "Well, not to be mean or anything but I'm not really that open, and anyway, this is my hometown. I just haven't been here in five years. So I'd rather just say I'm Scarlett Jenkins and I have an older brother called Tyler. That's all you're getting." I say smiling and the woman sends me a rather nasty glare. I shrug my shoulders.

    "Okay, well Scarlett, I hope you enjoy your time here." I can tell she doesn't mean it and her voice is hissing. I guess because I'm not the most normal girl in the world and she didn't expect a comment like that. I noticed eyes on me as I said my little bit, mostly girls sending me nasty glares once I mention Tyler's name. I didn't pay attention, but turned to look at Gracie and Craig and let them fill me in on the school.

    Craig is on the football team with my brother and he plays kicker. Gracie is captain of the debate team and to say I was surprised by this fact was an understatement. I knew Carter hung out with the football team, even though not being on the team himself. I just always thought he would go for a cheerleader. They're not all horrible, I guess. So I'm sure he would be fine with one of them. He had the popularity without having the talent. Gracie would be the girl I'd expect him to be with, but I didn't think that would happen. To say I didn't mind would be a lie. I was upset about the fact Carter had found his perfect girl and it wasn't me. I thought we would have gotten together at some point because of the crush I had when I was younger. It was faint, but still there.

    Fifteen minutes later, another bell rang and Craig walks me to my first class, which was AP Calculus AB. Craig told me that Jace is in this class and to ignore him. He will eventually get bored if I keep paying no attention. Craig's sweet enough and easy to talk to. He came across as a bit of a flirt maybe not as perverted as Jace. He was still a flirt all the same.

    He says he will see me at lunch, and I say bye, walking into the class. An aging man was already at the desk and I walk to him, not paying attention to the rest of the class.

    "Um hey I'm Scarlett."

    "Yes, I got sent an email about you. It turns out you're ahead of us, so I think you will be fine. We're going to be doing derivatives as a function today and tomorrow. I'm pretty sure you are fine," I smile and he says, "Take a seat anywhere you like." I smile and walk to a seat at the back and pull out my phone sending a message to Carter saying I like his girlfriend. His reply is a smiley face and I roll my eyes.

    The good thing about Carter is the fact that he does care what I think and with that he places his friends and family above anything else. So, if I had sent a message saying I didn't like Gracie then he would ask me why, and he would talk to her about it. He's the most honest person you will ever meet. I do like Gracie and I understand her being a little insecure with me being so close with Carter. I'm pretty sure that no girl would like their boyfriend's best friend to be a girl.

    "Now this has just made my day," My eyes flicker and they land on Jace who's wearing a smirk on his face. He slides into the seat next to me and pulls out his phone before holding it out to me. My hands went around it and I looked at the small screen confused. "I sent a message to my brother," The first one was a picture of me this morning while I was talking to Craig. Jace had sent a message saying:

    That's your ex right? Jordan's reply made me see that he wasn't the same sweet boy that I'd dated last year.

    Why the fuck did you text me that? I don't fucking care. She's a bitch and that's all she'll ever be. Now leave me the fuck alone.

    My eyebrows furrowed and I look at Jace. He leans in to say, "Not the same guy you are clearly still hung up on. After the hospital, he came out a different guy. Scarlett forget him and pretend he is not an ex because he's certainly not the same guy." My eyes have begun to water up as I look up at Jace. He whips the tear falling down my face. He holds his hand out and I place the phone into it.

    "I tried not to care. I thought if I pretended that it didn't happen I could forget, but I've been running ever since and I'm terrified because he knows everything about me."

    I guess I was wrong. I guess I made a big mistake, but every day is a chance to change your life. I thought that everything turns out for the better, but with me that's anything from the truth. I didn't ever regret Jordan because he made me smile. I only regret the fact that I pushed him aside and thought I was so much better than him. I am sixteen and therefore mistakes are going to be made, but I couldn't deal with the one I've caused. I caused him nearly to die and Jace demonstrated through simple words that maybe the day I broke his heart was the day Jordan Davey was no longer there. He ended up in a hospital less than a week after, all because of me ripping out his heart and tearing him apart.

    Falling in love can be both the best and worst mistake, but what happens if you didn't get to that stage and tried ever so hard to. The worst mistake I've ever made is not falling in love with Jordan Davey.

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