"Great, now he's all sticky! Again!" Jade ran her hands through her curly hair.

"Is that popsicle juice on my couch and carpet, Jade?!" Perrie yelled.

Jade looked down and indeed there was red and blue popsicle all over the floor and couch.

Here we go. Jade thought.

"JADE!!" Perrie screamed.

"I didn't do it! Don't yell at me!" Jade argued.

"Well I'm not yelling at him, so it's gotta be you! You're the one who bought them!" Perrie yelled again.

"Bub, back to the bathroom. Now." Jade pointed and Jaden sighed. He hopped off the couch and dragged his feet towards the bathroom. "And hand over the popsicle." He sighed again and gave Jade his popsicle.

She stuck it in her mouth, finishing it, and grabbed the other two sticks from the coffee table and the one from the floor, walking them to the kitchen to toss them out. She closed the freezer and pushed the chair back in and when she turned around, Perrie was right in her face, making her jump.

"Who is cleaning my carpet and my couch, Jade?!" Perrie asked, folding her arms.

Jade quickly kissed her cheek and slipped by her. "Don't worry, I'll do it when we get back."

Perrie quickly caught up to her. "It'll be stained by then!"

"I'm sorry but it's stained now, babe. We'll push the table over it and get a couch cover or something." Jade replied, going into the bathroom with Jaden.

"That's not solving anything, Jade!" Perrie yelled, still behind her.

"In the tub, now kid." She stripped Jaden down once again and put him in the bathtub. Instead of giving him another bath, she turned on the removable shower head and hosed him down. "Out of sight out if mind, Pez."

"What?" Perrie questioned and then cut her eyes at Jade. "Is this something you do often?"

"You wouldn't know now would you, because out of sight out of mind!" Jade replied. "Turn." She had Jaden spin around in the tub while she literally threw soap and water at him. Before Perrie could even respond, they heard the doorbell ring.

"Shit!" They both yelled in unison.

Jaden gasped and Jade smacked Perrie's leg.


"Dang it." They both tried to cover up their slips.

"You didn't hear that, baby." Jade said, taking him out of the tub and wrapping a towel around him.

"I'll go get it." Perrie rolled her eyes and walked out of the bathroom.

"Alright, now hand me the lotion." Jade said to Jaden and his eyes widened.

"Noooo!" He dropped his towel and bolted from the bathroom before Jade could grab him.

"Jesus Christ! Get back in here, Jaden!" Jade yelled, getting up to chase after him.

Perrie opened the door and Jesy and Leigh stood there smiling at her.

"Ready to go, cousin?" Jesy asked as Perrie stepped to the side and let them both in.

"Umm. Almost." Perrie replied, smiling.

They both looked at each other when they saw a naked Jaden, running for his life around the living room and Jade in soaking wet clothes hot on his tail.

"Jaden Amir!" She tried to tackle him but she just ended up falling down as he slipped out of her grasp again. "Ughhh!" She sighed frustratedly. "Fine! No lotion! Let your skin get all dry and start cracking at the age of four! Try explaining your alligator skin to your friends on your own! Just put on your clothes so we can go!" Jade ran after him and Jesy and Leigh looked at Perrie.

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