A small sigh came from Leo, one that read that it was time to say goodbye.

Leo squeezed her hands once more, slowly letting go to pull her into one last hug. Her hands slid under his arms, along his back. He buried his face into her hair, her face into his chest. "I love you, Evelyn, I've always had. You are my best friend, through and through." He mumbled to her.

"And I love you too, Leo. You are my best friend, through and through." She replied to him.

They pulled a part, sliding their hands into each others. Leo took a step closer to her, pressing a small kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight, Evelyn." He said softly, pulling from her to move towards the opening front door.

She watched him, thinking of this evening and everything throughout time. Mustering up a louder voice, she called to him once more. "Leo." When he turned to face her, nearly halfway out the door, she gave him a smile. "Thank you." The final time she would be expressing her gratitude for him after all these years.

Leo stood there looking at her with a blank stare, slowly morphing into a meek one. He took in a breath, a small, smile there. No words were spoken there, and none needed to be. With a short nod and a wider smile, he turned to walk out her front door.

As the doorway stood empty, she slowly turned from it to her parents now approaching her from the dinning room. They too look just as tired as Evelyn. Yet, smiles still remained.

"One last happy birthday to the birthday girl." Charles spoke, less enthusiastic due to his exhaustion.

Amelia on his arm, chuckled softly. "And hopefully the quickest one, I am ready to fall asleep and stay asleep for a whole day."

Evelyn laughed, opening her arms to embrace her parents. The three stood together, holding on to each other tightly. "Thank you for everything tonight." She kissed both of their cheeks.

"No need to thank us, it's the least we can do for you. It's your birthday, we must celebrate as special as possible." Charles replied as they all pulled a part.

Amelia nodded. "We are so proud of you, darling. Couldn't be any bit prouder of the woman you have become." She reached up to hold Evelyn's face with one hand.

Her father nodded, glancing down at Amelia for a moment. "Your mother is right, we are so proud of you. You've done so much with your life, I can only imagine what more you will do." A smile grew rather emotional on his face.

"I wonder what it all will be." She admitted, taking her father's hand. "Thank you, papa." Placing a kiss to his cheek, and he placing on hers, she turned her attention to Amelia. The woman who for years was her servant, then became her mother. Evelyn pulled Amelia into a tight hug. "Thank you for everything, mama. My life wouldn't have turn out the way it did unless you had knocked some sense into Will that night." She whispered in her ear. Pulling back, she gave a small wink, making Amelia laugh.

"And I would do it again and again if it meant making your dreams come true, darling." Her mother gave her a small kiss on her cheek. Looking to her husband, she took his arm with hers. "Shall we?"

And with that, Charles and Amelia Adams, bid their daughter goodnight and walked out the front door.

When Martin shut it, Evelyn found herself all alone in the foyer when he walked away. Her servants began to prepare her home for night. It was her cue to go to bed. She walked quietly up the stair, walking around its grand spiral, memories flooding around her mind. The memories from the first time she met Jack, to her first kiss with Will, to even her wedding ceremony during battle struck her. Time had come and gone before she even noticed.

Forever and Always (Will Turner)Where stories live. Discover now