We were sitting at the table talking until I get a phone call from unknown I answer it anyways being a dumbass. It's fine because if you couldn't hear me if I was on the phone because it's loud here and there's a lot of people talking so if I whisper it's ok. Just in case I record the call if anything happens

Unknown | me

"Stupid dumb bitch. Your so skinny eat a burger. Your tattoos are ugly dirty ass you look like trash with them" one girl says

"Should've died good because no one would save you because no one cares" another one said and I'm here wondering how tf they got my number

"We're gonna slit your throat bitch no one likes you anyways. Hope your vape kills you, you ugly worthless whore" another one says but sound familiar an annoying voice like that mads girl

"You hoe hanging around boys. Homie hopper you mother fucking waste. Your disgusting ass you mental please do cut yourself and bleed to death because you should've a long time ago" another familiar voice says. I'm don't honestly I get to many calls like this

"Your two sister are ugly as fuck. But your the ugly sister. Your their slave in your ugly rags your like the ugly step sister goblin ass. So short I could step on you. Driving a big car because your fat and you can't fit In a normal car. Your sisters are also ugly too"

"Your annoying voice that doesn't even sound like a girl dress like a fucking boy. Don't even wear makeup to cover the ugly on your face. Got plastic surgery for your body. Fake ass lip filler and filler for your nose. Purple eyed freak. You pussy. Stanky ass whore. Should be canceled you problematic son of a bitch porn star" another one says

"Shut the hell up. Your calling me a pussy when your calling me on an unknown number. Like shut up your not funny. I dare you please come and slit my throat I would love to see you try. And don't say that about my sisters. Fight me fucking fight me you mother fucking pussys. Come and fight me I dare you I double dog dare you. Fight me beat me up see if I care. Cancel me please please cancel me because I won't care at all. Sara I'm not stupid I know it's you. Fight me actually. Your the one who starts the problems. So what I dress like a "boy" and that my voice doesn't sound like a "girl" at least my voice isn't annoying like all of yours. You sound like those annoying chipmunks. And so what that I don't wear makeup at least I'm not fake like you and your friends caking makeup on your face. Never in my fucking life have I gotten plastic surgery   I'm not a porn star what the fuck. Shut up just shut up don't call me" I say just above a whisper so no one hears me

"We're gonna hire a men to rape your ass porn star" a girl says and you shouldn't even joke about that or say that

"Don't even say that or joke about that you sick fucks. That's not ok I'm gonna call the police on you I swear" I huff and they laugh

"Stay away from my fucking boyfriend loser. Justrememberyourbeautiful love. Stay away from him and his friends you whore or I'll slit your throat" a girl says with a high pitched voice sounding like that girl

"You. You have a fucking boyfriend. I feel bad for him you mother fucking bitch ass" I laugh

"Yeah his name is Jaden hossler stay away from him and the sway boys whore"

"Yeah ok f-for sure" I joke

"BITCH IS STUTTERING FREAK. GO BACK TO THE HOSPITAL BITCH. GO BACK TO SCHOOL BEFORE YOU TALK TO ME ANXIOUS DEPRESSED CRIPPLED ANOREXIC WHORE" that same girl yells into the phone and all the other girls are laughing. I feel my face starting to burn red and my heart start to race. Ok that hurt. That's not ok. I feel myself shaking starting to panic also I feel my muscles tense up. Come on Nikki not here please not here. With that I hang up the phone and stop recording

I cover my face with my eyes. Because I feel like everyone's watching me and thinking the same thing that that girl said. Shit shit shit get it together Nikki come on.

"Nikki you good" I hear Dixie ask

"Mmhm" I say taking a sip of my water

"You sure" nessa asks looking worried and I nod yes

"Question, who says justrememberyourbeautiful" I ask the girls

"Mads... she says justrememberyourbeautiful" addi says

"Honestly it's annoying" nessa laughs

"Why you asking" charli says

"Oh nothing nothing" I shrug it off and jaden turns his head really quick facing us girls

"Don't say that girls name while I'm here" jaden says and he's pretty tipsy and we all just laugh at him

"Because that girl is bad. This is my girl now" jaden says putting his arm around me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I feel my face turning red even more. Great. But it was cute and the girls start to awe. I feel him smell me which is kinda weird but cute ok

"You smell good" he mumble/slurs

"It's called taking a shower" I giggle as he pulls away but keeps his arm around me. I take the snippets of the video out of that mads girl and I send it to Dixie who looks up at me before listening to it

"Tell me who that sounds like" I say to Dixie and she listens to it and I see her facial expressions change once it starts and she just looks at me confused and texts me that

Dixie sticks

What the fuck is that. When was that
Why is mads saying that

I don't know that was like 5 mins ago

Nikki that's not ok that's a threat

I know it's whatever ok


I turn off my phone and put it in my pocket because I don't wanna talk about it anymore.


Imagine getting in trouble for trying to help your parents. I can relate

Anyways guys have a good day don't hate on people please

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