Chapter Three: The Land

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The broom-portal trip was quick and easy. It was easier than falling asleep and with much better results.

Avelle stood with her mouth hanging wide open. The place was beautiful. Everything smelled clean and natural, as if pollution had never touched the place. Yet, there was technology everywhere, running on wind and solar energy.

"Welcome" announced Eris, "to the Land of the Mysticals! You will be competing in our gameshow, Mystic! Competitors will search for the magic mirror. The magic mirror will show you who you need the most."

"UGH!" exclaimed Avelle, "Let me guess, 'your soulmate' or some other nonsense?"

Eris giggled. Avelle was missing a huge part of the puzzle, and Eris knew that. Soon, Avelle would know what she was missing.

"Anyway," said Eris, " This game will make you a citizen and a Mystical. The Land of the Mystical is an island hidden from the 'real' world. We take in all misfits whom society has abandoned. The games will begin shortly after these messages!"

No messages played. Avelle wondered why Eris even bothered to say that.

There were plenty of other competitors. Children within the age of twelve to eighteen of all ethnicities were here.

"Hey," said a boy. He was skinny, about as small as her. He was about half a foot shorter than her and his skin was a few tones lighter than her deep brown. "Do you hope that you will find your soulmate here?"

Avelle laughed. "Don't we all hope to find our soulmate. It is all anyone ever talks about. All anyone will ever care about. 'When will you find a boyfriend, Avelle?' Gosh. I'm trying!"

"Avelle, huh?" said the boy. "That's a pretty name. I'm Bradley."

"So, Bradley, does life suck for you too?" asked Avelle, "It sure sucked for me."

They exchanged awkward laughs.

Bradley seemed nice, Avelle really didn't want to kick his butt in the game show.

Eris was back, she looked refreshed. "Sorry guys," she said. "Portalling all of you took a lot of energy. Well, I am going to explain the rules now. Number one: There is no point system. There is no winner. The point is just to have fun. Number two: in this game, you will be collecting plot coupons. Those plot coupons will take you to the magic mirror. When you look into the mirror you will see who you need the most. You will either grow a mer-tail, avian wings or elf ears."

Another boy, Jimmy, asked a question. "Why are we competing in a game show if there is no winner?"

Eris sighed. "Well, long, long ago the mirror was used in a ceremony to welcome outcasts into the Land of the Mysticals. They needed to quest for the mirror and vanquish hideous beasts. That ceremony somehow became a celebration and then a game show. I'm the host now."

Bradley spoke up, "Do mers have to stay underwater forever?"

"No," said Eris, "with enough practice, they can shift from their mer form and human form and walk on land. And besides, there is an underwater palace for the mers."

Another person spoke up. A girl, named Phoenix. "How do we know if we are an avian, elf or mer?"

Eris sighed. "I think that one is easy to figure out. It's based on your personality. If you are still confused, avians should have tiny little wing stubs on their back, mer's legs should have some scales and elfs should have slightly pointed ears."

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