Chapter 13: "First Requiem" Silver Chariot Requiem (2)

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As the lone Stand walked up the stairs, Keith said, "Don't get too close. Your Stand will fight against you, which is controlled by this guy for some reason." They slowly followed it, step by step, until they got close to the sports room. It entered, and they all followed. Suddenly, it sidestepped as a thin rope was shot. They all looked, and saw Vanessa, with the Stand Nightmare Zai Heaven.

"The only way to obtain the Requiem Arrow is to pry it out of this thing's hands. I will succeed, no matter what!" she said, before launching multiple ropes at it.

Derick shot those ropes, making them retract, and said, "Don't you think about destroying it! We will make sure your tyranny ends, right here!"

Keith ran in, Darkheart blocking each attack as Derick covered him with gunshots.

Just as he was about to land a hit on Lei Lao Shi, she dodged the attack by stepping to the right, making him miss, then countered with a punch that Keith dodged. He got onto the stage, and tried to attack, only for her to turn her back on him, resulting in him hitting the light behind their back that was tied to Chariot Requiem, breaking it.

Not only did Silver Chariot Requiem lose its balance as part of it exploded, letting go of the arrow, so did Vanetta, who immediately collapsed to the ground. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, everyone was back in their bodies. Vanessa was confused as to what happened, as Lei Lao Shi suddenly teleported behind her and knocked her off, along with Derick. Keith Shadow Traveled everyone in the war to where he was right now, and Meagan took the arrow. She didn't know what to do with it, and Lei Lao Shi said, "You fools have no idea how to use the arrow. Although, I have to say, I'm impressed with Vanetta, figuring it out."

As multiple ropes came out, Keith shouted, "Defend the arrow!" Everyone ran forward and combated the ropes, trying to ward them off. Most of them took care of the lower ones, as the long-ranged Stand users took care of the upper ones.

Meanwhile, Meagan was helping Vanetta, who was heavily wounded. She took the arrow and put it in her hands, saying, "Aduh*, this hurts a lot. Meagan, take the arrow and stab your pillow with it."

"But why, Vanetta? Why not give it to Keith, who knows a lot?"

"Because I trust you, Meagan. No one else."

Meagan took the arrow as Vanetta collapsed, then said, "For the class." She then stabbed her Pillow with the arrow, causing it to glow.

*Indonesian for 'ouch', yes it has a double meaning or something

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