Scenarios with Your City Gave Me Asthma

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(Very) long time no see!
I have an explanation I swear, but ill be putting that in the next chapter.
For now I just wanted to write this since I've been listening to Your City Gave Me Asthma (an album by Wilbur Soot/William Gold) nonstop since I listened to it for the first time yesterday.
Oh and I wanna get back into the fandom-
So these are basically just scenarios I thought of them with.

Oh and by the way, some of these are inspired by the headcanon that someone made a crap long time ago which is why I don't remember who they were anymore (I'm sorry) where the personifications themselves can die and the states will remain the same but only if the states are like, REALLY really bad.


Jubilee Line:


This one is about California, talking about Los Angeles. He hates the city and how he's pretty much almost ONLY known for it, but also because it's just a pretty shitty city in general. Towards the end of the song, he switches to talking about San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge. So basically:

"There's a reason, San Francisco puts barriers on the Golden Gate
There's a reason, San Francisco puts barriers on the rails
There's a reason, San Francisco puts barriers on the Golden Gate
There's a reason, San Francisco puts barriers on the rails
There's a reason, San Francisco puts barriers on the Golden Gate
There's a reason,
they fail."


Saline Solution:

This one's about DC. Lets be honest, the country is turning to fucking hell. There's a shit ton of literal life changing events happening all throughout the states, and DC being pretty much everything combined into one, is suffering. Not only mentally but now also physically due to the recent riots and stuff. Because of this he's started to slowly develop an intense fear of death. He's scared that one day it'll all come crumbling down, and that'll be it. He and everyone else will be gone. This can match with the lyrics "I think this time I'm dying" and also "I think I've made my choice" because he's thinking of what to do to stop all of this.

O R (yeah I decided to change it/add another one, I didn't like how DC had 3 out of 7 songs lol)

It could also be about Colorado. Not only his mental health but now his physical health aswell is going downhill at a rapid speed. Since he smokes and gets high so often, his body is slowly giving up on him. This also means that he's had plenty of near death experiences before, to the point where he's now extremely scared of death. He wants to give up smoking before it's too late, but can't seem to stop himself.


Since I Saw Vienna:

(I just wanted to say, this is definitely my favorite song in the entire album.)
Another about DC. Sorry, I'm trying to include different states but I couldn't think of anything else!
So this is about if what DC feared in the last song, became a reality. Many of the personifications have met their unfortunate demise, leaving very few behind. DC doesn't want to accept the fact that the people he's grown to love and the country he's lead for actual centuries, is gone.
As time goes on, he's the only one left. He was the government after all. But because everyone is gone, that means he's next. He thinks of his past memories as he travels through what was once the United States one last time, and dies in peace.

"I'll pick up my hiking boots when I am ready"
The start of the government, which means the start of DC. He's only a young kid, but swears to never give up and to make the United States an amazing country.
"And I'll put down my roots when I'm dead."
His final moments. He looks over his last few memories of when the USA was atleast somewhat pleasant, and ignoring all the bad parts is happy he could create such an amazing country with amazing places and people. Not to mention, friends.


Losing Face:

This one's about Florida and- *gag* IDC. Basic they dated for a while and although it was a toxic as shit relationship, Florida was too in love to notice. Even after they broke up- or, excuse me, he found out IDC cheated on him, he still questions what he did wrong and why she did it. He searches for what the male IDC cheated on him with has that he doesn't, which explains the lyrics "Can he smoke more? Can he fuck more? Are you good enough to be his wife?"


Your Sister Was Right:

So this ones about Texas and Cali, or Texcali. Atleast, what used to be Texcali. The enemies to lovers trope didn't work as it should with this couple and even after beginning to date they still had many arguments - far more than a regular couple should have. Texas never learned how to express his feelings correctly and California gets stressed out by other things frequently causing him to snap easily, so putting both together was not a good choice. This leads to a breakup, which New York, Cali's closest friend predicted when he first heard of the relationship. He warned that he knew it wouldn't work out, and he was right. Texas hates himself for it and thinks it's his fault, since he wasn't a good significant other and was often the cause of most of the arguments they had. And even being the stubborn bitch he is, he admits "I hate to say it, but your sister (best friend) was right"


La Jolla:

This ones about CDC. He's tired of being ignored and pushed aside by everyone else, especially since Covid is getting worse and worse and yet nobody takes him seriously. He wishes he didn't have to work for the US out of all countries, and desires to work for a new one, one that will actually listen to him. Just replace La Jolla with any other country, and he wants to go there. Anywhere, it doesn't matter. Just somewhere where his voice will actually be heard.


I'm Sorry Boris:

TW // SUICIDE (yes again, I'm a bit of a dark person I'm sorry)

As much as I hate to admit it, another about DC. IM SORRY, BUT THIS ONE WAS TOO GOOD TO IGNORE-
So basically, DC gives up. He can't handle the stress of controlling the country anymore especially with the constant criticism and hate he's getting. He hates what the country has turned to, which would explain the lyrics

"But they'll knock down the pubs before helping you"
"They'll burn down your towers before helping you"
"They'll charge for your healthcare before helping you"
"They'll let you jump under trains before helping you"

He's at the lowest point he's ever been in, and considering what he's gone through and his past moments like these, he is not fine in any way possible. He feels bad that he's leaving behind all the other states, but genuinely can't take it anymore. So, he takes his own life, and a new personification shows up to take his place. They were never the same as the old DC, though.

"I can't believe that I'm leaving
I can't believe that I'm leaving
I don't think I want to leave you
I don't think I want to leave you
Here alone"

"My lovers, my colleagues
My best friends and enemies
I don't think I want to leave you"


Sorry, just freaking out because I deadass thought I was going to abandon this chapter before even halfway finishing it. I guess my love for the album really did give me motivation.
Anyways, again, sorry for disappearing. I'll put up another chapter soon enough explaining why I've been gone.
And also!! If you liked this chapter, I 100% recommend checking out the album. You probably already did cause I'm my opinion you'd have to listen to the songs then read the scenarios to understand them, but if you didn't then I definitely say you should now. It's such an amazing album!

Anyways, that'll be all for today!
(and the next few weeks...)
Whatever- take it easy guys gals and non-binary pals,
Peace out!

Stuff about the states!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt