The fight has begun

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Before starting this section, I have a short note from life. Whatever restrictions are given to protect the girl child, the boy's mother says, "The boy does what he wants." He has to raise his children with a conscience and respect for humanity instead of telling them and raising them on the streets. My father was a big obstacle to my success in exams. He would get angry at my exam result, he would shout and then he would continue saying, "When I was your age, my family would send it to the desert to make it a shepherd, we couldn't read it. My mother would take my earnings, etc." Yes, I may not say it is unfair, but it caused us to live under pressure because of my grandmother who caused my father to experience these. You know that the most important factor in success is a comfortable, unpressurized and peaceful environment, but I was experiencing the opposite of them. My father's opening of his past in every word and comparing it reminds me of my grandmother who made him so unscrupulous. Unfortunately, my grandmother could not become a mother to my father, but without even realizing it, my father was taking his pains out by putting pressure on us for the pain of his past. Believe you know? When my grandmother came to us, there were amulets she bought from the teachers she had placed somewhere in the house she hid from us. Of course, this did not cause my father to be like that.

I was growing up now. As the days passed, it started to seem like a life in prison to me. My mother tried very hard to take me and leave the house, but unfortunately we were under threat. Sometimes my mother couldn't go because of me because no matter how bad my father was, I was in his blood and his appearance was enough for me. I had a good heart in my dream, but was it enough? No, it wasn't enough, I just deceived myself for years ...I'm an adult now. I have reached a certain age. I decided to get rid of him by marrying arranged. The person I would marry did not matter who and whom. My only goal was to escape until my father raised a hand to my mother in front of my eyes. I could not stand it and I got ahead of my mother. I had not been able to look my father in the eye with fear until now. I stood in front of him, looking into his eyes with courage. I have always lived in fear, but everything changed at that moment. I took my mother behind me and looked in my father's eye and said, "Come on? Raise that hand once more, but now you have neither your frightened daughter, nor your desperate wife!"
My education life was ruined because of my father because I couldn't leave my mother to that cruel man. There was no more fear. Everything was until that day. I immediately gave up on my decision to get married. It is time to face my fears. Who would protect my mother if I go? It was time to stop all this now. It will not be foreign to the extent of what I have experienced. There are millions of women, youth and children who are in this situation right now ... Besides, there is no such thing as we will all have the same problems in this life. Your troubles do not matter fast, it is our struggle against the difficulties in life that matter.

After that day, I continued my education life. I was covering my education expenses by working on the side just so that my father would not annoy my mother and me. I was studying whenever I found time at work. From time to time I couldn't keep up with the roll call, but my professors ignored it because they understood my situation. These difficulties pushed me to such a success that I graduated from university as the top of the department. This university was not enough, I studied as I studied, and my interest in education increased day by day. Yes, now I was ready to fight my fears. After that, I was ready to remove the thorns that sink our feet from our lives one by one. Actually, this book starts now. I might be a little bored with you in the episodes so far. I am thinking of overcoming your fears while dealing with the difficulties in my life. This book is not just my life, remember to quote from the lives of all of us!

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