I could never be ready

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" Nana Shimura" " loving mother and pro hero"

The tombstone stared into his soul, his heart felt heavy  just being reminded of his own mistakes.  He couldn't help the thoughts that poured into his mind, 'he could've saved her' he thought quietly.
His hand clenched in frustration as fat tears began to cloud his vision ' if only he was Stronger ! If he was faster he would've pulled her out of that fight. '
  Nana tragically perished at the hands of all for one, a menace to the hero society who only looked out for himself.  That man killed the one person he could call his mom, her death left and hole in his heart that nothing could fix no matter how hard Gran Torino tried to convince him that her death wasn't his fault.

  Yagi remembers the last thing he talked about with his master, she seemed to be so certain that he was ready to follow in her footsteps. She believed more than anyone else that yagi could become the world greatest hero and yet he couldn't even protect her from all for one.
   He laid the bouquet of flowers down and gave a small prayer before passing by Gran Torino himself.

" Yagi, i know shimura better than anyone and if there's one thing I know. It's that she wouldn't have wanted you to continue like this. You need to train one for all of you ever want to defeat that bastard "

'I know' he thought clearly exhausted from the same conversation he has had with the hero before.  He just isn't ready for the commitment. What was his master thinking ? He wasn't cut out for this ! How could he continue through life still not completely sure of what one for all even was ? He wasn't prepared for her to leave so soon and now he's a boat that is stranded with no way to go forward or back.

Without a response, toshinori runs off towards his bike and escapes without confronting his future. He not ready...he'll never be ready.

He reaches the park walkway in minutes and looks towards the sea.

It was here where he got his quirk, and it was here where he made the promise to his master that he will become a hero worthy of holding one for all. But that was then, this was now.

"I could never be"
"I could never be"
"I could never be ready for this"

He let's go of his bike and goes to lean on the gate that separates him from the sea.

"I could never be"
"I could never be"
"I could never be ready"

Yagi can't imagine the pressure, he's only 17 ! How can she leave him and expect he'll just know what to do ?  He needs...he needs his mother back.

"Things start and things end, and
Isn't it lovely in theory, but..." he sighes and looks toward the setting sun. He bathes in its light and thinks of how far he had come, Gran Torino was right but he needed time and hopefully he'll have it.

"I could never be"
"I could never be"
"I could never be ready"

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