"Take care of Sakura and Kakashi-Sensei," He orders to his clone as he hands to duo over. My tentacles are braced against Naruto's arm, supporting me in the air as Sasuke's Susano'o had.

"Once more... I shall reunify all chakra!" Kaguya states firmly as she rushes towards us.

The two collide in a stalemate for a moment before Naruto is over powered, flinging him backwards. My hands are braced against Sasuke's back, surging my chakra forward. The blades of Susano'o are covered in a brilliant electric crackle as they descend upon Kaguya.

My eyes widen as she merely holds her hand up, and the blades melt under her touch. Sasuke shoves me off of him. My tentacles grasp onto the searing hot stalagmites and I swing around to stop Naruto from spinning. Sasuke's grasp appears on my ankle as I slam into Naruto's back, stopping his momentum immediately and grasping onto his shoulders. "I forgot that you could use Teleportation-like jutsu now," Naruto breathed out. "You had me worried there."

"Oh, no, I'm fine, don't worry about me." I mutter irritably. Two of the black balls descend from Naruto's back and flatten into disks, giving something for Sasuke and I to stand on.

"It's like this foothold," Sasuke mentions. "We've all benefitted from Six Path's power. But having received it is meaningless unless we seal her away."

"Yeah..." I breathe out. My breathing tightens, and the three of us are suddenly turning around. I gaze into her teary eyes as she cups the chins of both Naruto and Sasuke.

"My children, with whom I shared my chakra...." Kaguya hums ever so softly.

"She's... taking our... chakra..." I gasp out as my front is covered with a tar like substance.

"Kaguya seems to see her three children... when she looks at the three of you." Black Zetsu's voice rings out. "Isn't that sweet? She, who was sealed away by her own children. Such a poor, pitiable mother...."

"Why'd Six Paths Super Gramps seal away his own mother?" Naruto gasped. "I thought he sealed away Ten Tails...."

"It seems you've been mistaken..." Black Zetsu hums.

"Just who are you, Black Zetsu?" Sasuke asks through his teeth.

"I am her child." He answers plainly. "I recorded everything that happened while Mother was gone. And molded it as well. The tale of Shinobi..... is the tale of restoring Mother."

"What're you talking about?!" Naruto asked. "What do you mean?"

"Since you know Mother's name, you must have met Hagoromo." Black Zetsu hums as Kaguya moves backwards. "I knew that is was possible, depending on the power of the reincarnates. As well as receiving the power to seal away Mother...."

"But we're gonna seal away the Ten Tails!" Naruto snapped.

"It's rare to see the reincarnates of Indra, Ashura, and Fiji cooperating this closely. You three know nothing. Let me tell you her tale while I such out all of your chakra." Black Zetsu coos. "Like I told you earlier.... Mother was sealed away previously by her own children. Apparently, it was an extremely powerful seal... The jutsu transformed Ten Tails into a Catastrophic Planetary Devastation core.... and turned it into the moon. But just before the seal took hold, she gave birth to me. In order that she could one day be restored. I shall now show you three all of that... I don't have any candy, but the puppet show is about to begin."


Long ago, before there were any concept of shinobi, came a powerful being from the heavens. Black Zetsu recounted the tale of Kaguya, and how she fell from the heavens to protect the Divine Tree. When war had begun to blossom between the Land of Sou and Kaa, Kaguya had taken to the divine tree whilst pregnant with the Lord of Sou's child. She had eaten the fruit from the tree to protect her unborn child, and activated the Infinite Tsukuyomi, snaring all those in the land.

Shortly after, she gave birth to three children; two boys, and one girl. Hagoromo, Hamura, and Ameonna. The three had grown up in perpetual silence with their mother. The three set to resolving petty matters between the villagers as they grew. The three then met the first of the toad sages. Gamamaru had urged the three to seek the truth behind the reasons they are forbidden to ever go near the Divine Tree.

Through the generations, Kaguya continued to feed the Divine Tree through a ritual, hiding it from her three kids the entire time. Hagoromo had decided to once and for all see what was beyond the peak to the Divine Tree, and his two younger siblings followed along.

They gazed in horror at the rows and rows of villagers bound to the great tree. Hagoromo found the horrible truth to the great tree, at the expense of a young woman whom he cared for deeply. Thus, awakening his Sharingan.

They met with Gamamaru once again. The toad led them to the Land of Toads, teaching them the awesome power of nature chakra. From the memory stone, Hagoromo, Hamura, and Ameonna learned the truth of their mother. How she fell from the sky, fell in love with Lord Tenshi, and gained the power from the Divine Tree.

Gamamaru began to teach Hagoromo to use Sage power. He took to the training like a fish in water. Meanwhile, Hamura and Ameonna went back to watch over the lands. Kaguya confronted each of the two separately, and went into a fit of rage when she learned of the horrible truth of Hagoromo's whereabouts. And the nature of her daughters condition. She was to bear a child soon.

Their mother pit Hamura against his own brother, while Ameonna went into an early labor. Hagoromo had used the sage tag to save his younger brother's life. The earth began to shake wildly as the Divine Tree transformed into the Ten Tailed Beast, causing the new mother to leave her child in the care of the toads to join her brothers in sealing the Ten Tails and their mother. The fighting continued for months, until the three were able to over come their mother's power.

In one final attack, before her sealing, she gave birth to Black Zetsu and cast a horrible curse on her only daughter. Thus the Ameogan had been born.

The spirit of the Ten Tails had been split into nine souls. Ameonna pleaded with her older brother Hagoromo to care for her only daughter as her body began to change. Upon taking the form of the giant squid, Ameonna was finally suppressed into a child once more, to be raised alongside the other tailed beasts. Hamura had left the care of the world to his older brother, so that he may watch over their mother who had been sealed within the moon.

Hagoromo raised his two sons alongside his sisters child. Black Zetsu revealed it was he who tempted Indura to battle against his son, starting a war that would last eons. He continued to watch the reincarnations of the three to gain the power to bring his mother back.

Everything had been planned and executed by Black Zetsu. The Akatsuki, the war, the tailed beasts-- everything.

I shook in my spot, anger coursing through me. "I detest you... Hagoromo... Hamura... Ameonna... You are mine." Kaguya said softly as tears continued to slip down her cheeks.

"My role has come to an end." Black Zetsu sighed. "You shall return with me to the almighty god that is mother."

"You two aren't--" Naruto growled. "You two alone aren't the entirety of shinobi history!" Naruto broke free of Black Zetsu's grasp. "Besides--" Naruto freed both Sasuke and I. "Moms are supposed to be happy about their kids leaving the nest! That's what being a mom means!"

"Your teenage rebellion continues..." Black Zetsu sighed. "Mother is the very progenitor of chakra. You brats can't hope to accomplish anything."

"Naruto, we need to make an opening, so we can launch the sealing jutsu." Sasuke stated.

"Yeah. And the only thing that will work... is that jutsu!" Naruto exclaimed.

"That... jutsu?" I wondered as a bead of sweat rolled down my cheek. "Are you sure?"


Lotus Blooming! Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें