Chapter 22

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Clarke POV

    About two months had passed. Clarke was sharing a house with Raven and Lexa had her own place not too far. Anya also had her own place. The public knew about Lexa and Clarke's relationship.

    Today they were driving to Clarke and Raven's old place to clean it out. Lexa and Clarke were in a car and Raven and Anya were in another.

    It was four in the morning and they were driving. Clarke was driving for the first half. "Anya just texted me saying they will beat us to the house." Lexa said,  "And Raven's driving."

    "Glad I'm not in that car I'll tell you that much." Clarke said, driving. Lexa laughed. "Raven is a uh fun driver." Clarke added.

    Around six the sun started to rise. Clarke saw Lexa doing something out of the corner of her eye.

    They got to a red light and Clarke looked over to Lexa. Lexa was recording her but then stopped when Clarke looked. "I saw that." Clarke laughed.

    "Don't know what you are talking about." Lexa said, typing something on her phone. "I'm just looking at my beautiful girlfriend." Lexa said, as Clarke started to drive again.

    "Mhm." Clarke said.

    An hour later they stopped to get food. They walked in and saw Raven and Anya holding hands. Clarke walked up behind Raven and pulled the hood over her head. "You asshole." Raven said, pulling the hood down. Clarke laughed. "Clarke check Lexa's story."

"Was that what you were doing?" Clarke asked Lexa.

"You can't prove anything." Lexa said, kissing her cheek. "You looked beautiful in it." Raven fake gagged.
    "Bye!" Raven said, walking away with a laughing Anya.

They both laughed and got breakfast. "I love you." Clarke said, as they stood in line. Lexa kissed her.

"I love you too." Lexa said, against her lips.

They ate and got back onto the road. "What do you think Anya and Raven are doing?" Clarke asked.

"Screaming at the top of their lungs to a boy band." Lexa said. Clarke laughed. "Or something along those lines."

"That sounds about right." Clarke said, turning into a road.

They were half way they switched drivers so Lexa was driving. Lexa held Clarke's hand with her free right hand.

They got to Clarke's old house at around five in the afternoon. They saw Raven and Anya had already arrived. Clarke opened the door and saw Anya and Raven making out on the couch.

"Really?" Clarke asked. Anya and Raven pulled apart.

"You took too long." Raven said. Lexa kissed Clarke. "Let's get packing!"

"Tomorrow." Everyone but Raven said. Raven laughed.

    "Clarke and Lexa just want to have sex." Raven said. "I know your tricks." Raven pointed a finger at them.

    "No, I'm gonna sleep." Clarke said and Lexa nodded. "Raven you better not have stolen all my clothes." Clarke added.

    "I stole two hoodies that you don't ever wear." Raven said.

    They walked to Clarke's room and Lexa looked at all the art. "These are so good, Clarke." Lexa said, looking at the paintings.

    "Most of them are from high school." Clarke said, sitting on the bed.

    "They are still amazing." Lexa said. Lexa picked up one of the drawings on her desk and laughed. Lexa turned it around and it was a drawing of a naked breasts.

    "That was in junior year." Clarke said.

    Lexa put it back down and walked back over to Clarke. Lexa climbed into her lap and put her arms around her neck. "I love you." Lexa said, kissing her.

    "I love you." Clarke said, falling back on the bed, taking Lexa with her. Lexa giggled and kissed her.

    "Look at baby Clarke." Lexa said, looking at a picture of Raven and her from fifth grade. Clarke groaned. "You are cute." Lexa said. "Raven looks the same but just younger."

    "I still haven't seen baby Lexa." Clarke said. Lexa got her phone out and after a second, Lexa handed her the phone.

    "I was in fourth I think. Fourth or fifth grade." Lexa said, as Clarke looked at the photo. "I think I was at a birthday party."

    "You were so cute." Clarke laughed. "Still are." Lexa blushed and put her head in Clarke's neck. Clarke giggled and kissed Lexa's temple. "You just proved my point."

    Lexa started to kiss Clark's neck and up to her mouth. "I didn't prove anything." Lexa said, against her lips. "Do you hear that bang noise?" Lexa asked.

    Clarke heard a banging and then a moan. "Oh fuck no." Clarke said, putting her hands over her ears. Lexa covered her ears with a pillow. Clarke banged on the wall with her hand. "Be quieter!" Clarke yelled.


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