Chapter 17

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Clarke POV

Clarke woke up the next morning to her lower left leg throbbing. Clarke groaned and looked around the bed. The bed was empty besides her.

The door opened to the shelter. "I caught something." Lexa said. "I can't cook so it's kind of, I wouldn't say burnt but crispy." Lexa sat down on the bed and Clarke sat up.

"If I look at this fish and it is black from being burnt, you are never cooking again." Clarke said, as Lexa handed her a fish wrapped in two big leaves.

"Just a little bit." Lexa said. Clarke unwrapped the fish and saw that it was just burnt on the ends. Clarke giggled.

"I guess you forgot what day it is today." Clarke said, eating a piece of the fish. Lexa looked at her confused. "Two weeks ago, did that ring a bell?"

"Eat first." Lexa said. Clarke pouted.

Clarke ate the fish quickly and then drank some water. "Did you eat?" Clarke asked.

"Yeah I had the other half of that and I feel fine." Lexa said. "Not fine but island fine, you know what I mean?"

"Just kiss me already." Clarke laughed.

Lexa leaned forward and kissed Clarke. Clarke cupped Lexa's cheek as put a hand in her hair. Clarke had Lexa's bottom lip in her own. Clarke moved her other hand to Lexa's hip as Lexa straddled her hips.

The kiss was more fast paced than their other ones but it was still a simple kiss. Lexa pulled away and they changed angles.

Clarke heard a noise above them. "Do you hear that?" Clarke said, between kisses. Lexa pulled away completely and they both listened. It sounded like an engine.

"Stay here I'll check it out." Lexa said, getting off of her. Lexa kissed her before leaving. The engine sound was getting louder and louder until it stopped.

About two or three minutes later, Lexa bursted through the door, smiling. Lexa jogged over to her and kissed her, laughing.

"What?" Clarke asked, confused.

"You'll see." Lexa smiled, picking her up bridal style. Lexa walked her outside and Clarke saw a helicopter. Clarke looked at Lexa with excitement.

"Is this real?" Clarke asked. Lexa laughed and nodded. They got to the helicopter and a woman helped them in.

The helicopter was kind of small. There was a man driving the helicopter and a woman in the back with them.

"I told you we would be okay." Lexa told Clarke who was laying down. Clarke took Lexa's hand and smiled. Clarke felt her eyes watering.

"Any other injuries other than her leg?" The woman asked Lexa.

"Not major, just small cuts and stuff, but that's it." Lexa said. "I cleaned it with clean water and wrapped it." Lexa told the woman. "Clarke, you said you didn't see any rust on the trap?" Lexa asked Clarke.

"Not that I could see but I didn't get a good look." Clarke said.

"We are going to a hospital now." The woman told them. "You were on an island not too far from Florida. Some people will go camping there or visit on that island, they might have set the trap." They both nodded.

Clarke had her eyes closed as Lexa was playing with her hair. "You look like Lexa Woods." Clarke heard the woman say.

"I am." Lexa said, as Clarke opened her eyes. Clarke saw the woman's eyes widen.

"My daughter was heartbroken over your death. Still is." The woman said. "She is obsessed with The Last Commander and you."

"When I get out of the hospital we can figure something out to meet." Lexa said. The woman beamed.

"Really?" The woman asked. Lexa nodded.

They rode for about forty five minutes until they landed. They got taken to different rooms. Clarke got her leg property cleaned and bandaged. She got other stuff checked out as well.

Clarke was in a hospital bed. A male doctor came in. "Clarke, we have told your mother the news. Your mom and a woman named Raven Reyes should be here the day after tomorrow, along with Finn Collins." The doctor told her. "You both are surprisingly well. Besides your leg, losing your weight was the only concern which was what we expected."

"How's Lexa?" Clarke asked.

"She is fine." The doctor said and then left.

Clarke looked down at her leg which was all bandaged up and wrapped. Clarke smiled to herself and looked around. A tear fell down her face from happiness.

A little later, someone brought food in. Clarke's eyes lit up. Clarke took a bite off bread and moaned at the taste. Clarke ate all of the food and downed the orange juice. If hospital food tasted that good she could only imagine what real food would taste like.

Clarke felt so much better after eating a full meal. Clarke looked out her hospital window. She saw cars driving, people walking, birds sitting on light posts. Clarke closed her and smiled.


There is gonna be a few more chapters. Clarke and Lexa building a life together and a few new characters! Thanks for the votes!


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