Chapter 14

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Clarke POV

    Three days have passed and if anything Lexa has gotten worse. She could barely eat without throwing it up, the only thing she could keep down with coconut meat. Lexa had a mild fever and still had a headache. Not to mention they haven't seen Koda all day yesterday.

    Clarke was sitting in the shelter with Lexa's head in her lap. Lexa had a wet cloth over her head. "You look not as pale as yesterday." Clarke said, softly. Lexa had her eyes closed and nodded. Clarke started to braid Lexa's hair, careful not to pull on her hair.

    By the time Clarke finished, Lexa was asleep again. "I'll be right back." Clarke told Lexa. Clarke removed herself from under Lexa's head and walked to get water.

Clarke saw Koda walk out of the woods, limping. Koda walked up to her and she looked at his leg. "What happened to you?" Clarke asked worriedly. Koda whimpered. His leg looked fine. "You trip and fall?"

Clarke got the water and Koda limped after her, following her to where Lexa was. Clarke put Lexa's head back into her lap and Koda sat down next to them. "I was worried you left me." Lexa mumbled.

"Never." Clarke said, rubbing Lexa's cheek with her thumb. "Also Koda is here." Lexa smiled softly. "I think he tripped or something because he has a small limp. I think that's why he hasn't been here." Lexa nodded.

Lexa sat up and drank some water. "You want to try and eat?" Clarke asked Lexa.

"Not really but yeah." Lexa said in a raspy voice.

"I'll be back." Clarke said and got up. Clarke grabbed a coconut and cracked it open. Clarke made a hole at the top and walked back over to Lexa.

Lexa was sitting up and Clarke sat down behind Lexa. Lexa was between her legs and was leaning back into her. Clarke handed Lexa the coconut and Lexa took a sip. Lexa ripped off a piece of the coconut and ate it slowly.

"Don't go throwing it up now." Clarke said, as Lexa ate.

"I'll try." Lexa said.

After a while, Lexa had eaten a good amount to eat and was done. "You wanna stay sitting or lay back down?" Clarke asked, as Lexa relaxed into her with her eyes closed.

"Sitting." Lexa mumbled. Clarke took Lexa's hand in her own and rubbed her thumb over the back of Lexa's hand. Clarke looked at Koda who was asleep about two feet away from them.

Lexa fell asleep, leaning her head under her chin. Clarke kissed Lexa's temple and leaned them back against the wall. "You'll be okay." Clarke said, moving hair out of Lexa's pale face. "And you still are beautiful, even when you're sick."

Clarke stayed awake as Lexa slept. Lexa was mumbling to herself.

"That's my balloon." Lexa mumbled. "Blue balloon." Clarke had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop laughing. "Raccoon blue balloon. No, I don't want an elephant." Clarke bit her hand, smiling.

Koda picked his head up. "Asshole. Pop my balloon again." Lexa mumbled angrily. Clarke choked out a laugh. Lexa mumbled something again but Clarke didn't catch it.

They sat there for about two hours before Lexa woke up again. Koda left about half way through. "Hey." Clarke said.

"Hey." Lexa said in a sleepy voice.

"How was your balloon dream?" Clarke asked, taking Lexa's hand. Lexa groaned. "Someone popped your balloon?" Lexa hid her face in her hands in embarrassment. "I think you're sleep talking cute."

Lexa sighed and leaned back into her. "How are you feeling?" Clarke asked.

"Better than early." Lexa mumbled.

"That's good." Clarke said.

"Sorry for making you stay here. You could have left and done things." Lexa said, as they interlocked their fingers.

"I wanted to stay." Clarke said, putting her head on Lexa's shoulder. "I enjoy listening to you sleep talking." Lexa sighed.

Clarke looked down at their hands. "Why are your hands so big compared to mine?" Clarke said.

"Small hands." Lexa teased in a quiet voice. Clarke laughed softly.

Clarke used her free hand to feel Lexa's head. "I think you aren't as warm as earlier. I don't know though." Clarke felt Lexa's cheek.

Lexa ate a few more pieces of the coconut meat. Clarke heard rain on the roof of their shelter and a few drops would go through the roof and onto the ground. A few drops dropped onto them. They laid down.

Clarke looked at Lexa who was asleep again. Clarke smiled and closed her eyes, falling asleep with Lexa.


Thank you for the votes! Cute Clexa moments in this chapter!


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