Chapter 11

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Lexa POV

A few days passed. The bear cub was getting more and more comfortable with them as the days passed. Lexa was out trying to catch a fish with the bear cub watching.

"It's harder than it looks, you know." Lexa told the bear. "So don't be thinking I'm awful at this." Lexa tried to spear one but missed. The cub grumbled and fell onto it's back. "Shut up." Lexa said, walking to a different spot.

The cub followed from a distance. Lexa saw a fish and speared it. "Yes! You didn't believe I could!" Lexa celebrated, bringing the fish to land.

Lexa saw another fish and caught it with her hands. It was the smallest out of the two. "You taking notes?" Lexa asked the cub. The cub stood up on its hind legs. "You can have it." Lexa tossed the fish in the bears area.

The cub sniffed it and then picked it up. Lexa killed her fish and started to walk back to the camp. Clarke saw leaning on a tree, smiling. "You having the time of your life over there?" Clarke asked.

"I was." Lexa said. "Even though he was making fun of me." Lexa said as they walked. "I got a pretty big fish. Well, bigger than usual."

"We didn't eat that much yesterday so that's good." Clarke said.

They got to the camp and they cooked and ate the fish. The cub was watching from a distance. "We should keep him as a pet." Clarke said.

"You want a bear as a pet?" Lexa asked.

"Yeah." Clarke said.

"We aren't kidnapping him as our pet." Lexa told Clarke. "He can come and go when he wants."

"I wasn't gonna kidnap him." Clarke said.

"I don't care, keep him as a pet." Lexa said.

"Thanks." Clarke said and then kissed Lexa's cheek, before getting up. Lexa felt her face heat up, blushing.

Clarke walked over to the cub and started to try to get the bear over to her. Lexa watched Clarke as the cub sniffed Clarke. Lexa had a small smile on her face, watching one of the cutest things.

About ten minutes later, Clarke walked over with the cub following behind her. The cub sniffed Lexa as Clarke sat down next to her. The cub moved between them and laid down. "You need a name." Clarke said.

"Fluffy." Lexa said. Clarke laughed. "What?" Lexa asked. Clarke shrugged.

"Koda?" Clarke said. The cub looked up at Clarke. "Your name is now Koda." Clarke said, as Koda put his head back down.

"I never thought I'd have a pet bear." Lexa said. Clarke giggled. "My god he's cute." Lexa looked down at Koda.

They sat there enjoying the warmth of the fire. Lexa had an arm around Clarke and was playing with the ends of Clarke's long hair. "I think he's asleep." Clarke said, with her eyes closed. "I hear snoring, unless that's you." Lexa chuckled.

"I don't snore." Lexa said.

"Hm, yes you do." Clarke said. "It's very quiet but you do. You also talk in your sleep. You were talking about batman once, I don't know."

"I was talking about batman?" Lexa laughed.

"I woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night about three nights ago and I heard, 'You're not batman.' I have no clue but that's what I heard." Clarke said.

"I have no memory of that." Lexa laughed. "And I usually remember my dreams."

"Also I don't know if I ever said sorry for punching you in the face on the first day on the raft." Clarke said. "I don't know why I just thought of that."

"I would have done the same if someone was hovering over me. I could have been a creep old person." Lexa shrugged. "I was just seeing if there were any wounds I could see, I wasn't gonna go in your shirt or anything."

"I also fell into the water after punching you so..." Clarke trailed off. "I was worried I wasn't gonna be able to get up the raft and you were gonna have to help me." Clarke admitted. Lexa laughed softly.

"I was scared you were gonna take my hand and I couldn't pull you up." Lexa said. "And then we both would be in the water." They both laughed and Koda snored. "Yeah he's asleep." 


I finished this one early so you get a double upload! Thank you for the votes!


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