Chapter 6

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Clarke POV

    Four days have passed since it rained. They still had one full bottle and a little bit left in the other. Lexa handed her the almost empty to her. "You can finish it." Lexa said. "I had some earlier." Clarke looked at her. "Clarke I had some."

    Clarke saw that Lexa's lips were a little wet. Clarke opened the bottle and drank the little bit that was left. Clarke handed the empty bottle to Lexa, who took it. Clarke felt so much better after that.

    "You want fish?" Lexa asked, sliding a half eaten fish. "Or do you want that dried fruit?" Lexa teased.

    "That tasted like dog shit." Clarke said. "Also I felt worse." Clarke picked up a piece of the fish and ate it. "It's starting to grow on me."

    "You are the worst liar." Lexa said, laughing softly.

    "I'm trying to make myself like it." Clarke said. "Just let me think I like it." Lexa chuckled.

    Clarke ate what she wanted. "What do you do while I sleep?" Clarke asked.

    "This morning I talked to that dead bird." Lexa said, pointing to a floating dead bird in the water about two feet away from them. Clarke looked at her weird. "I was bored, okay?" Lexa said.

    "What did you talk about?" Clarke asked.

    "You know, I asked him about his bird wife and he said he just got a divorce." Lexa said. "His wife was cheating on him with another bird and he was heading to a date with a bird when a shark killed him. He's been chilling ever since." Lexa told her.

    "Really?" Clarke asked, smiling. "You had fun."

    "Best time of my life." Lexa said. Clarke laughed a little. "We also talked about the food here. He loves everything I hate basically."

    "Glad you made a friend." Clarke laughed.

    Clarke looked over Lexa's shoulder and saw something in the distance. "Turn around Lexa." Clarke said, getting excited. Lexa looked confused. "God please say that's real."

    Lexa looked over her shoulder and looked back at her with an excited look on her face. "Land." They both said, in awe.

    About twenty minutes later, they could see the bottom of the ocean. Lexa got off and started to pull the raft into the land. Once they were both at shore, Clarke stood next to Lexa and they looked around.

    It was beautiful. Trees, bushes, a small lake, a mountain in the background, grass and birds. Lexa and Clarke were in shock.

Lexa and Clarke looked at each other. They wrapped each other in a hug and started to laugh. They fell to the ground still hugging. Clarke started to cry happy tears.

"I don't even care that I am covered in sand." Clarke said, as Lexa got off her. Lexa helped her up and they hugged again. "Also you made me eat that fish for nothing!" Lexa laughed.

They settled down after a while. They looked around. The lake wasn't deep, five or six feet but it was a lake. "You can wash off first while I get a SOS thing going." Lexa told Clarke.

"You just want me to see if there is anything in the lake that could kill us." Clarke teased. Lexa hit her arm playfully. "Fine." Clarke said.

Lexa walked back to the shore and Clarke stripped down, getting into the clean water. Clarke washed off and washed her hair. The water was cold but Clarke didn't care. She saw some fish but that was it.

Once she was clean, Clarke used a blanket to dry off before her clothes back on. Clarke looked over to where Lexa was and started to walk to her.

Clarke saw a giant SOS made out of wood. "You did that fast." Clarke said as Lexa dragged a log to finish it. "Also nothing in the lake can kill you."

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