Chapter 9

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Lexa POV

    About two weeks had passed. It was getting colder as the days went by and it was getting harder to find food. They still don't know what the roaring was but they still heard it sometimes. They were stocking up on berries and nuts.

    "No luck?" Clarke asked as Lexa walked back to the camp, empty handed. Lexa shook her head. "I got a few packs done." Clarke pointed to a small pile of wrapped nuts and berries. "They should keep the bugs off them. I also found a canteen on the shore, and filled that up with clean water."

    "We haven't had a good meal in two days." Lexa said, sitting down next to Clarke. They both lost weight and muscle from the bad diet. "All we have eaten are nuts and stuff." Lexa sighed.

    "We just need to stay warm. We'll die from the cold first." Clarke said.

    "If we find an animal, I might be able to make a blanket out of their fur." Lexa said. "It'll be worth a shot." Lexa moved hair out of her face.

    "You'll mess up because you just want to cuddle with me." Clarke teased. Lexa rolled her eyes and hit Clarke's arm playfully. Clarke laughed.

    "I just want to have an idea of where we are." Lexa said, looking around. "I think we are in South or North America." Lexa guessed.

    "I really don't think we are anywhere near England." Clarke said. Lexa nodded. "For all I know we could be in Japan." Lexa laughed softly.

    They got up to look for more nuts and berries. Their hands kept brushing but neither of them said anything. "Is that a coconut?" Lexa asked, walking over it. She picked it up and looked at it. "I think it is."

    Lexa walked over to a big rock and started to break into it. A few minutes later, Lexa broke through. "I must have just fallen because it's perfect." Lexa said, looking at the inside. "You want the first sip?" Lexa asked, walking over to Clarke.

    "You can have it so if you die..." Clarke trailed off. Lexa took a sip of the coconut water. Lexa handed it to Clarke. Clarke took it and took a sip. "That's good." Clarke said, surprised.

    "I know." Lexa said. "And then I think you can eat the inside." Clarke handed the coconut back to Lexa after taking another sip. Lexa took a sip. Lexa ripped a part of the coconut and ate it.

    "Well it looks like we found another food and water source." Clarke said. "That's if you don't die."

    "I'm not gonna die." Lexa said. "Just don't sit under a tree with them, you'll probably die or get a concussion."

    "We do not need either of those right now." Clarke said. "Why do I have a feeling you've had at least two concussions." Clarke said, as they walked.

    "Because I have had three." Lexa said. "The first one was when I was in first grade, I hit my head falling off a slide. The second one was in seventh grade in a dodge ball game, I ran into a wall. The third one was in the military. They were all very minor." Lexa said.

    "You fell off a slide?" Clarke asked.

    "I was climbing the slide and I slipped and fell." Lexa told her. "I slipped on water." Lexa said, rubbing her neck. Clarke chuckled.

    They grabbed berries and put them in the bowl Clarke had. "Who was your first kiss?" Lexa asked, picking a berry.

    "Seventh grade in a spin the bottle game. I didn't even know his name." Clarke said. "What was yours?"

    "Sixth grade." Lexa said. "It was really awkward. It was with a seventh grader. Her name was Ally I think." Lexa added. "It was behind the school."

    Their hands brushed again. "Just hold my hand already." Clarke laughed and took her hand in her own. They interlocked their fingers and kept walking.

    About half an hour later they saw their campsite. "Wait." Clarke said, pulling Lexa back. Clarke pointed at something near the lake. Lexa looked and saw a small bear, walking by the lake. "It looks like a cub."

    "Yeah, which means there is a mama bear somewhere." Lexa said. "Do you think that roaring thing was a bear?" Lexa asked Clarke.

    "Maybe." Clarke said. "What should we do?"

    "I don't know?" Lexa said. "See if it goes away or if another bear comes. It looks way too small to be by itself."

    They sat down, still holding hands. The bear was walking around, looking around. They waited around for another half an hour, nothing happened. No other bear, roaring, no nothing.

    "When was the last time we heard the roaring?" Lexa asked.

    "I dunno, two, three days ago." Clarke said.

    "What if it's parents died?" Lexa said. "And it's just wandering around. It looks like the bear is looking for something."

    "Well if the bear died, how did it die because then we might have a bigger problem." Clarke said. "But that's sad if it's just alone." Clarke said. "Go talk to it, since you talked to a dead bird, an eel, and whatever else."

    "Okay." Lexa said, getting up.

    "You're gonna die Lexa." Clarke said, following after her. "I wasn't being serious." Clarke said.

    "I'm just gonna say hi." Lexa said, walking to the lake. "Look at it, it probably does even weigh twenty pounds."

    "This is so fucking dumb." Clarke sighed. "Go get a spear or something at least."

They walked back to the shelter and grabbed a spear. They walked back over to the bear. They were about ten feet away and then bent down.

Lexa stepped on a stick and the bear looked at them. "That is the cutest thing I have ever seen." Clarke said. The bear was a very young cub. The bear moved back and ran into the woods.

"Okay then." Lexa said, getting up with Clarke. "We both are not hurt so I'll say that went well." Clarke nodded.

They walked back over to the camp and heard a noise in the sky. They both looked up and saw a plane flying over. They both started to get excited and ran out to the SOS sign.

The plane flew over, missing them. They both sat down in disappointment. Lexa sighed, running a hand through her hair. Clarke put her head in her hands.

Lexa put an arm around Clarke and Clarke did the same, putting an arm around Lexa. They both leaned their heads together and a tear fell down Lexa's face. Clarke rubbed her arm. Lexa took a deep breath.

"I guess we should get used to that." Clarke said, mindlessly running a finger over her arm tattoo. Lexa sighed.



I was gonna do a raccoon instead of a bear but I decided against it. Thank you for the votes!


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