Chapter 19

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Clarke POV

    Clarke got released from the hotel today. Raven was driving her to the hotel. "Tell your mom first and then break up with Finn and then go kiss your girl." Raven told her.

    "I wish it is going to be that easy." Clarke sighed. "My mom still hasn't met her besides that one time they made eye contact."

    "Lexa saved your life, Abby already likes her." Raven said, pulling into the hotel. "Also I don't trust Finn so I'm going to be in the room with you two."

    They both got out and Raven helped her walk. Clarke could put weight on her foot up, not her full weight. Clarke got to her mom's room and knocked.

    The door opened and they walked in. They all sat around the table. "So what did you want to talk about." Her mom asked.

    "I'm breaking up with Finn. I'm cancelling the wedding. I'm done with him." Clarke said.

    "I kind of knew this was what you were gonna tell me about." Her mom said. "I realized how dumb I was about you and Finn. I thought you were in love with him but you weren't. Is there someone else or are you just done with him because you are?"

    Clarke looked at Raven who was trying not to smile. "Both." Clarke said.

    "I'm guessing it's Lexa. Did you two do anything on the island?" Her mom asked, with a raised eyebrow.

    "Not like that!" Clarke groaned. "We kissed but then we got into a fight because she didn't want me to cheat on Finn but I didn't care because he doesn't give a shit about me. We agreed to wait two weeks before doing anything. The two weeks were up when the helicopter came so we kissed that day too." Clarke said.

    "I need to meet Lexa properly now." Her mom said.

    "Later but now I need to go talk to Finn." Clarke said. "And then talk to Lexa." Raven looked at her weird. "We are actually going to talk Raven." Clarke told Raven.

    "I didn't say anything." Raven said. "Come on, let's go break up with Finny boy." They walked out of the hotel room and headed to Finn's.

    Clarke knocked. It took Finn about two minutes to open the door. Finn had messy hair, his shirt on backwards, bruises all over his neck, and swollen lips.

    "Have fun with your new girlfriend because the wedding is cancelled along with our relationship." Clarke said. Finn shut the door on her. "Was that it?" Clarke asked.

    "I thought a war was gonna break out." Raven said, they started to walk. Clarke saw Lexa coming up the hallway in front of them, with something in her hand.

    They met up in the middle. "Hey Clarke." Lexa smiled. "I was about to go find you."

    "Bye!" Raven said, walking back to her room. "Be safe!"

    "Raven!" Clarke yelled. Lexa laughed.

They walked to Clarke's room. They walked in and shut the door. "I broke it off with Finn." Clarke blurted out. Lexa's face lit up. Clarke pulled Lexa into a kiss.

They only pulled away for air. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Lexa breathed out.

"I'm sure." Clarke said, before kissing Lexa again. "Once my leg heals, I'm taking you on a date." Clarke told Lexa.

    "I'd like that." Lexa said, smiling. Lexa gave her a peck. "I also owe you something." Lexa said, walking over to the paper bag.

Lexa handed her the bag. Clarke looked at Lexa and then opened it. Clarke saw two burgers and fries and laughed. "Woman of her words." Clarke said, kissing Lexa.

They sat down and started to eat. "Do you think you are staying in Florida or what?" Lexa asked.

"I don't know. I'm not flying anywhere though." Clarke said. Lexa chuckled. "What about you?" Clarke asked Lexa.

"Well, The Last Commander is picking back up in a year and they are filming it in Florida so I think I am staying here. Anya is flying out here soon as well."

"Raven is kind of in love with Florida so I don't know if I can pull her out of her." Clarke said. "And she will probably burn her house down if she lives alone." Clarke added. Lexa laughed.

"That's how Anya is." Lexa said. "All hell would break loose, if they met." Lexa laughed. "Anya's like a more mature version of Raven."

"Oh god." Clarke said.

They finished eating and then they laid down. Lexa had her head in Clarke's neck and a leg hooked over both of her's. Clarke's phone started to ring, she pulled it out and saw it was a facetime call from Raven.

Clarke hit accept. "Hi Raven." Clarke said.

"For research reasons, what's Anya's instagram?" Raven asked. Lexa laughed. "Lexa I promise I'm not stalking Anya."

"Anyaforest, that's her instagram." Lexa said.

"I don't even know where you are but thanks." Raven said. Lexa picked her head up as Clarke pointed the camera at her. "Aw shit, I never thought I'd see the day-"

"Bye Raven." Clarke said and then hung up. Lexa laughed.

"I think Raven is excited to meet Anya." Lexa said. Clarke laughed and then kissed Lexa's head.

"Just a little excited." Clarke said.


No more Finn! I wanted the Clexa ship to sail. Thanks for the votes!


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