Beck Oliver

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Dating Beck Oliver, Hollywood Art's resident chick magnet had its problems, well more like one specific problem that was very reoccurring. That was that there were usually many girls fawning over him. This was something I had gotten used to, for the most part, I would just chuckle softly to myself as Beck looked uncomfortable. All in all, I was used to it and no longer fazed. 

But then Bridgette Warner came into the picture, she was the daughter of a famous producer who was new to the school. She was tall, skinny, blue-eyed, rich, and unfortunately obsessed with my boyfriend.

"Hi Beck," Bridgette says coming over to where I and my boyfriend were clearly in a conversation, leaning against the lockers shoving her way in between the two of us. My eyes narrowed as I watched her cross her arms under her boobs pushing up cleavage till it was practically spilling out of her tank top, she really thought she was being sneaky.

"Hi Bridgette," Beck says with his usual smile, "What's up?"

"So my daddy is having a party at his office for his record label and he told me that I can bring someone," she says smiling flirty, "So do you want to come, there will be a bunch of famous artists and producers."

"Wow that sounds great, I'd love to," he says causing me to widen my eyes in disbelief, he was really going to go to a party with this girl

"Perfect I'll text you the details, by Beck," she says walking away her hips swaying from side to side dramatically. 

"What's wrong with you?" Beck asks confused noticing the glare on my face

"You're really gonna go to a party at daddy's house," I say mocking Bridgett's voice making sure my voice matched her nasally quality

"Come on Y/N what's the big deal Bridgette and I are just friends," he says

"Seriously Beck, I don't feel comfortable with you going over to another girls house for a party," I say softly

"So, because you and I date, I can't be friends with other girls?" he asks 

"Come on Beck you know that's not what I'm saying, I just don't feel comfortable with you going to Bridgette's house to meet her dad. I mean seriously Beck she's tall, skinny, and rich, plus not to mention she is totally crushing on you."

"Y/N you are being ridiculous," he says shaking his head

"No, I'm not," I say defensively, "I have put up with the endelss flirting and fawning the entire time we have dated and this is the first time I've gotten upset and said something. I just don't want you to go over to her house."

"Y/N did you hear her there are going to be famous artists and producers there this could be a great opportunity for me to meet people," he says 

"So let me get this straight you are putting the opportunity to geek out over producers over your girlfriend of two years?" I ask crossing my arms in from of my chest, "This is the first time in two years that I have asked you not to do something because it made me uncomfortable and you are really going to tell me I'm being ridiculous!!"

"Come on you know that you are the most important thing to me," he says grabbing my hand

"Doesn't feel like it," I mumble trying to keep myself from crying, I didn't want to cry over something so trivial

"If it means that much to you I won't go," he says, "You are more important to me than geeking out over producers. Also, it means I won't have to deal with Bridgette."

"You sure?" I ask softly, "As much as I don't want you to go I don't want to be controlling, and I don't want you to resent me or be mad that you miss-"

"Hey hey hey," he says cutting me off, pulling me into a hug swaying softly, "I love you and I will never resent you, okay." 

"I love you too," I say smiling softly

"Now come on let's go get some ice cream," he says grabbing my arm and leading me to the door

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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